
Last minute trip to Dallas. Someday I’ll actually find the cool parts of town. I mean besides the Woot HQ warehouse.

A full week of work (the first in the last 5). How will I survive?!

Watching 3 football games in 3 days (for the 1st time in my life, I bet)

Just back from a trip to (through) San Francisco, where I saw nothing/no one. Heading to (through) Portland, where I’ll see nothing/no one.

Forgetting about phone calls I’d helped plan.

Anyone know of a 37signals-style Inventory Control application?

On a direct challenge from a co-worker, hoping to get this to the front page: tinyurl.com/365yml …Anyone care to help?

Sleep and other deprivations are starting to kick in.

My cats need to learn about Daylight Saving Time.

Dead. Tired. From Hockey.

The Woot office started our banana split diet today.

Finished Photoshopping boobies onto digital watches.

Stuffed with lunch and boba tea paid for by an eBay autographed Woot hat sale.

When is it next not wet out?

Spending points on iilwy

Still sleeping.

skipping the rock because I forgot to get dinner.

May go to The Gore Gore Girls with Left Arm tomorrow night.

Back from SFO. Did not step foot within SF limits, sadly.

Panicking about work prior to vacation.

Feverishly booking stuff for upcoming Memphis, San Francisco trips.

Woot Tour a moderate success. No phone-book tearing, sadly.

Cleaning up work for the impending arrival of the school kids on the field trip.

Finally getting an estimator in for a long overdue bathroom remodeling.

Printing out the YoLaTe tics. Hunting for opening band mp3s.