
What’s the first date that nytimes.com doesn’t have the word Trump on it? (15 occurrences right now.)

Did it really need to be Diff’rent Strokes instead of Different Strokes? Do people say it differently because of that? Or was it just some weird legal thing like they needed that to be able to trademark it?

Interesting to see the LIDAR on the iPhone 12 Pro Max does massively improve depth in portrait mode, but not in the preview, only in the final shot. (cc @gruber)

Note the back rank pieces:

Zoom / Video Call plug-in idea: Each participant has a percentage displayed in the corner for how much of the time they talked / were in the featured spotlight.

I always wonder how common my pet peeves are. One thing that infuriates me is when a tv show starts every episode with a rundown of scenes that will be in that episode.

We’re self-serve trick-or-treat tonight, but still doing the full-size vs fidget spinner dilemma.

Apparently my - subdomain was breaking https (which makes some sense - the dash appears to be a valid character to use but not allowed as the first or last character in a subdomain). So now I’m u.micro.blog. (which goes reasonably well with my @_ username)

In the first half of 2016 a half dozen celebrities died and we all thought it was the worst a year could ever get.

Checking in

Catching up on what’s changed around here and thinking more how I might like to use a blog in my post-Twitter days.

Considering posting boardgame reviews as my kid gets old enough to start playing good ones at game night.

App Idea: Small Talk. Based on location get summaries of how sports teams are doing, upcoming weather, quirky news & a local nostalgia piece

I’m socially at my best when meeting someone I greatly admire before I at all realize who they are.

This is just me checking to see if anything has changed in cross-posting or blog posting to my microblog.

A follow-up might be whether the alien’s poll results would be the same as ours.

this will show up on -.micro.blog, but not micro.blog/_ and I’m not exactly sure why (or how, or if I can also post to micro.blog/_ )

For now I guess this is a micro blog about micro.blogs. This week on my Micro.Blog micro.blog - Can I get cross-posting to Twitter working?

Because I can’t not sign up for new things, I’m on micro.blog as -.micro.blog. Yes, that’s a dash. (I’m cross-posting to Twitter for now.)

Ah, I’m still trying to figure this out. I think micro.blog/_ is where I post from, while -.micro.blog is the actual viewable blog. That makes sense.

Hi. I’m @_ here & @_ on Twitter. This blog is micro.blog/_ or -.micro.blog (Yes, that’s a hyphen subdomain. Gotta keep you on your toes.)

Please let it be like one of those progress bars that massively overestimates the time remaining. t.co/u3LvNoNBK…

I feel like the YouTube algorithm is trolling. t.co/ptRwtLzaW…

I hope Redford and Hoffman get a cameo in All The President’s Men II.

Because @__ had to work late, @___ wanted to make sure she didn’t miss out. t.co/LOe3SCb7e…

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the New York Times should take a lesson from Reddit in headline writing. t.co/rJGPdp43J…

I may have told @___ this is a mural commemorating a historic Star Wars space battle. t.co/Rakm3PiQH…