
If you’re going to take your upload system down and say “please check back in a few hours” please tell us the time you said that. @vimeo

As a politician, how can you feel good about hoping for low voter turnout to win? Cao (in La.) is quoted as saying he won because of that.

Resolved: Harvey is a much more entertaining movie than It’s A Wonderful Life, as Jimmy Stewart flicks go.

Don’t Stop Believin’ - what’s the % chance she’s a prostitute?

Trying out some Left Field Landing seats for Pujols Pack this year. They should discount it for vegetarians, though.

Does anyone keep the default ‘shape layers’ setting on the pen tool in Photoshop CS3? I can’t imagine appreciating the giant colored block.

Apple UI failure: I’ve had 3 people ask me how to turn their iPhone off. It seems very much not intuitive or explained in the interface.

I honestly believe a computer would be better at some of these CAPTCHAs than I am. stlcardinals.com I’m looking at you.

Is there an equivalent audial word for visibility? “measure of the distance at which an object can be clearly discerned” but heard not seen.

At first I thought the ad for “Blu-Ray HD make-up” was absurd, but it actually makes sense to me now. I wonder what they paid for the name.

2006 Muppet Christmas album is $0.99 on amazonmp3 today if you’re feeling festive.

Got tickets. I did a google search for: busch stadium row, hoping I’d find a nearby pic. 1st result was a flickr pic 1 row and 1 seat over.

Budgeting for Cardinals baseball tickets. Pre-buying 19 tickets this year (the numerically misnamed LaRussa 12-pack and Pujols 7-pack).

Paying insurance per mile (milemeter.com) intrigues me, as I drive my car very little these days, but it’s Texas-only for now.

I would’ve bet money that McDonald’s pulling their spoon stirrers because they were used as cocaine spoons was false, but Snopes says True.

I had no idea Canada government was in upheaval: www.yarnharlot.ca/blog/

I love the feel of the press of letterpress.

If you made a list of the 1000 most commonly used words, which roman-alphabet language would use the fewest total characters to list them?

Electricity just came back on. Went out around 4am if the call from my alarm company is any indication. Hopefully on at the office now, too.

Planet Earth on Blu-Ray is tempting me at $35. I believe I may never watch it again, but still, $35!

TWEET 1000! It’s fun to watch the odometer flip. 626 days ago: myfirsttweet.com/1st/_ so 0.626/day I guess.

Debating between titles: VOLCASNOW and SNOWCANO as the next great disaster film.

Shocked cats didn’t knock the Christmas tree over while we were gone, since they did it once before. I bet taking the fake birds off helped.

Fun to get the first snow of my winter while out of town, but glad it waited till the last day. India House+Lego store+dress stores+home

The sign of fine dining: Pre-desert, desert, seven-part-post-desert, post-post-desert.