I dislike that the ‘stop’ icon/button in mobile safari is now vaguely in the middle of the screen. Seems it should be on the left edge.
Blu-ray player installed! Now if I only had a Blu-Ray video to watch. The replacement of movies begins…
I want a YouTube filter that can remove studio laughs, but otherwise this is awesome: tinyurl.com/6f3mnm
The best part of Pogue-o-matic is what he does when you just wait. ttp://tr.im/1b6D The actual app is fairly useless.
No idea what caused it at all, but a reboot, restore, resync didn’t help. I assume I at least won’t be re-charged to re-download these apps.
I noticed my iPhone suddenly was missing 10 of its apps, and on docking it, Vista blue-screened. Fun. Trying to reboot/restore/re-everything
Got chastised by my computer for taking my USB stick out without ejecting it. Honestly, can that actually, for real, cause me problems?
[Switch] So do I import my downloaded TV shows and movies to my iTunes library? To iPhoto? Or just copy them to some video directory I make?
Watched Cool As Ice. The basic premise: white people are foolish and goofy (except Vanilla Ice). Rule to live by: always be wearing shorts.
For me, The Trailer 1 HD links go to Cloverfield and the Trailer 2 HD links are Trailer 1: www.apple.com/trailers/…
Is it just me or are the Trailer 1 links here: www.apple.com/trailers/… Cloverfield and not Star Trek?
Er, excuse me, that is Albert Pujols are plural. tr.im/167m
Little known fact: Albert Pujols is plural: tr.im/167m I guess he’s just that good.
I was the 1,318,181st person to sign up for twitter. Did they originally not allow _ as a username or is it just no one tried?
Chrome fails to recognize some things as urls. Type: gc.ca and it does a Google search on it instead of going there. You have to add www.
I wish Charles Schultz was still around and still doing Peanuts, but I’m really glad there were never any Peanuts strips about the Internet.