
Just discovered: about 70% of the population of the US lives in 2% of the land area.

I dislike that the ‘stop’ icon/button in mobile safari is now vaguely in the middle of the screen. Seems it should be on the left edge.

Blu-ray player installed! Now if I only had a Blu-Ray video to watch. The replacement of movies begins…

I’m thinking Secretary of State actually has a bigger role in our government than Vice President.

I want a YouTube filter that can remove studio laughs, but otherwise this is awesome: tinyurl.com/6f3mnm

Ah, it’s Google SearchWiki. I’m assuming there’s an off button somewhere.

I’m seeing “promote / remove” buttons on searches I do on Google. Anyone else?

Surprised/confused you can’t pick streetview from your gps-spotted location without dropping a pin.

I wonder what it’ll be like when even tv special effects are completely realistic.

Finally got Gmail themes. I was beginning to think someone didn’t like me there. Steel FTW!

The best part of Pogue-o-matic is what he does when you just wait. ttp://tr.im/1b6D The actual app is fairly useless.

No idea what caused it at all, but a reboot, restore, resync didn’t help. I assume I at least won’t be re-charged to re-download these apps.

I noticed my iPhone suddenly was missing 10 of its apps, and on docking it, Vista blue-screened. Fun. Trying to reboot/restore/re-everything

Got chastised by my computer for taking my USB stick out without ejecting it. Honestly, can that actually, for real, cause me problems?

Pleasantly surprised Alaska won’t have a felon Senator, afterall.

[Switch] So do I import my downloaded TV shows and movies to my iTunes library? To iPhoto? Or just copy them to some video directory I make?

Watched Cool As Ice. The basic premise: white people are foolish and goofy (except Vanilla Ice). Rule to live by: always be wearing shorts.

For me, The Trailer 1 HD links go to Cloverfield and the Trailer 2 HD links are Trailer 1: www.apple.com/trailers/…

Is it just me or are the Trailer 1 links here: www.apple.com/trailers/… Cloverfield and not Star Trek?

Er, excuse me, that is Albert Pujols are plural. tr.im/167m

Little known fact: Albert Pujols is plural: tr.im/167m I guess he’s just that good.

I was the 1,318,181st person to sign up for twitter. Did they originally not allow _ as a username or is it just no one tried?

Chrome fails to recognize some things as urls. Type: gc.ca and it does a Google search on it instead of going there. You have to add www.

I wish Charles Schultz was still around and still doing Peanuts, but I’m really glad there were never any Peanuts strips about the Internet.

Tune in in two weeks and miss next week’s PIGS IN SPACE!