
Got to stlcardinals (on @__’s iPhone!) & got post-season tickets to a potential game 5 round 1 & game 7 round 2 if they happen in STL.

Important not to reverse this in my early morning haze: throw the trash in the dumpster, put the luggage in the car.

Almost wanting the Cubs to win so we clinch the division with a win tomorrow. Almost, except I’m incapable of ever wanting the Cubs to win.

Deja Vu of the worst kind. Trying to get to bed early tonight for an early flight to Dallas tomorrow morning. Again.

I had never heard the term “fireworks obstruction” before. That is an odd category of seat viewing to be concerned about.

It’s strange they bother with weather forecasts in places where it’s exactly the same temperature & precipitation chance year-round.

Excitement over the Chrome IE frame is odd. IE6 users are employees forbidden from installing FF/IE8. They’re likely blocked from BHOs, too.

In 1941 Joe DiMaggio played in 139 games. He hit 30 home runs. He struck out THIRTEEN times. Mark Reynolds struck out 29 times THIS MONTH.

Reading through the bewildering maze of tumblr post rerereblogging blockquote chaos makes me feel old. Kids these days!

Microsoft’s Courier looks pretty cool, but I think I’ll hold out for Courier New.

Perhaps crazier still, I’ll be back in Dallas on Friday. Yes, I’m hand delivering all the Woot packages.

It feels both surreal & great to be in my own bed after leaving it this morning & spending the day in Dallas.

I want an app that will set my screensaver to scroll through the Flickr ‘most interesting’ pics geotagged near my location.

I didn’t think I’d regret leaving for Texas without a coat. It’s chilly down here!

Sadly, I did not win the Cardinals play-off ticket lottery. However, my loyalty as a fan is unparalleled. I assume they only told me that.

Great to see some unknowing Dallas Woot HQ visitors ushered into a conference room with a large sign referencing it as THE PIT OF UNMERCY.

The perils of leaving for pre-dawnflight with a co-worker: it’s not till we’re at the airport that we discover we’ve worn matching t-shirts.

There is a bug in my programming (ok, maybe my whole program is bug): when I have to wake up super early, I have trouble sleeping. Ugh.

Cardinals were supposed to send out post-season lottery emails today, but it seems no one’s gotten any yet. #fingersCrossed

Odd. The DirecTV Twitter app shows you the last 4 tweets from a specified person instead of on a specified person’s feed.

hmm..DirecTV has an app store now. So far, it looks like everything’s free in it.

Sucks discovering a cool feature by people griping it’s removed. I literally didn’t know what I’d got ‘til it was gone: tr.im/zkVH

Want a This Here’s My Unicorn Huntin’ Gun tee by @__? Use my $5 off code: 9713ke864l (@ me if you do.) shirt.woot.com/classics

All-MAD bb club? Jim Toy, Ron Cey, Mel & Ed Ott. Lees: Bob, Don, Hal, Roy. Rays: Jim, Irv, Ken. WBC: Jae Kuk Ryu, Dae Ho Lee, Tao Bu, etc.

The only Mad Ape Den compliant MLBer I could think of was Mel Ott. A pal now got Ron Cey. Some googling showed Ed Ott. Any others?