Apparently there’s a full scene in Chipmunks II with some guy wearing a Woot shirt. Not sure which design yet.
Twice this week I was going for undershirt>button-down>sweater & ended up with the sweater on before I’d put the button-down on. Dress much?
Realized I can add a /favorites rss feed to Google Reader. I recommend… as best best-of-Twitter editor.
Whenever a company says “x employs the latest Internet technology” you can be fairly certain x is outdated poorly designed crap.
Every time I think about going to the ATM I get the A-Team theme stuck in my head. Now maybe you will, too:
Marching towards the Woot black box (92 purchases, need 100). I got the ugly Christmas sweater tee designed by @__:
Sometimes you start writing an email about what you want to say to some annoying person who wrote in. Sometimes you accidentally hit send.
Weird to me: by default, in C#, Math.Round(98.5)=98. I believe the default rule is, if evenly split, round towards the even number.
I guess @foursquare started counting daytime check-ins towards badges. I just got the bender badge checking into work.
This insurance scheduling I’m perusing has a specific section on golf balls (covered for loss by fire or burglary of a locker).
Our spatula is far too efficient. There was nary a nibble of cookie dough left to lick from the bowl!
Today’s fashion test: French cuffs with a hoodie. Grade: B-. Maybe a size up would leave more room in the sleeves for the cuff links.
I may not be the best gift-wrapper, but I solidly adhere (ahem) to the rule: if you use more than 3 pieces of tape, you’re doing it wrong.
A nice thing about buying gifts for someone you’ve got a lot in common with is you’re as excited to get the stuff as they are. #wrapathon09
Awkward part of being named Dave: turning & looking when guy in grocery aisle shouts “Hey Babe!” at his girlfriend. #phoneticallyClose
I’d like to submit a ticket to @twitter asking where/how to submit a ticket to @twitter:
Documentation of Joel’s hole-in-one at the Woot holiday party:
Glad St. Louis no longer has Halloween tradition: throw flour in adults’ faces, scream I HATE YOU & burn stolen furniture. #meetmeinstlouis
And for desert, GIANT POCKY:
Got a few great-great-grandma inheritances this weekend, including these nifty art nouveau candlestick holders:
Why do airports have monitors listing arrival flight times & gates inside the security area? Anyone there is departing or has arrived.