
I have to say, this is one of the best places to watch the Cards/Cubs, even if it is an away game. Besides, my satellite is probably out.

I hope this Cardinals cap is colorfast: red rain is coming down, red rain.

Suggestion from @__ for the stadium audio: Ridin’ the Storm Out.

Who’s the 3rd base coach for tha Cards at this Cubs game?

Can we at least watch Cards/Cubs on the video screen? It’s showing out near Shannon’s restaurant, just barely too small to follow.

After telling everyone we’re behind the Post-Dispatch tarp, they go and rebrand it a red All-Star game tarp.

It’s tough seeing players born in the early 90s out here. Wilmer Flores, August ‘91, I’m looking at you.

Seriously? No Cards / Cubs updates on the scoreboard?

Watching the All-Star Futures Game? @__ & I are row 6 behind the yellow Post-Dispatch tarp. Look for us during a rain delay (red ponchos!).

Preparing for a full day of Busch Stadium, hoping the heat isn’t too too bad. Nachos for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Do they have 7-11s in Europe? Is their free Slurpee day in November?

We began our elegant meal at Terrene with a delightful amuse-bouche of cherry and Coke flavored Slurpee (free Slurpee day!).

Has a WiFi SSID signal named something like FreePublicWifi ever turned out to be connectable & free?

Debating tonight’s activities… 80% chance of rain + parking situation & crowds dampening thoughts of Elvis Costello/Sheryl Crow.

Pleasant morning wrong-number: 90-ish year old lady - “Clarence, after all that we’ve been through? Gee whiz!” [click]

West end girls. Western girls. Restroom girls.

We do not yet live in the future that allows me to figure out what movie is playing at this bar.

Rollie Fingers will be at the celebrity softball event. I really really hope that’s why all the Cardinals have been growing mustaches.

Started a good article on whales & interspecies communication. Then noticed it’s 10 pages: tr.im/rOjP tlFW! (too long For Work)

Can yooooooou uuuuuunderstaaaaand it? #1stdraftmovielines

Didn’t know Weird Al’s Fat, parody of Michael Jackon’s Bad was actually shot on the same set, courtesy of Michael Jackson: tr.im/rLpl

Google Calendar is so good at conversational dates (Lunch next Tuesday with Joel) it’s sad when it misses (Board meeting a week from Monday)

Watched the family send-off of the MJ Memorial and then the Billy Mays tribute episode. Time to watch something a little happy.

Successfully completed day 2, using #nikeplus run-walk training, which is a bit easy, but since my goal is just habit, it’s all right.

Would you like to play really-for-real-no-joke-launch-nuclear-missiles-at-Russia? #1stdraftmovielines