Overlapr is fun, but mostly I enjoy this functioning url: overlapr.com/_/__
Goofy: Notifications on the iPhone are modal, even above a phone call, so I have to OK my News update before I can hit the end call button.
What does it take for a Google product to come out of beta? Apparently, primarily a need to start charging for the enterprise version.
It is a bit concerning to me how obviously worth it my Amazon Prime membership has been. I can’t afford not to buy from them!
I finally had enough and turned off the ‘is now following you’ emails. I’m not sure how I lasted that long, actually.
Waiting on @__ to get our weekly post-corkball @theroyale Match meat goodness. Considered the grilled eggplant, but they’re out.
I can’t afford to go to the All Star game, but I’m excited about going to Sunday’s Futures game & the Celebrity / Legends Softball games.
Decent Chicago take on a St. Louis visit, though I’m pretty sure hurricanes have calm eyes, not tornados: tr.im/r8L2
I was trying to figure out why none of our Cardinals packages have any upcoming games. Next home game is 11 days away!
Pro-tip: Hit ? in any of the google apps (gmail, calendar) to bring up a lightbox with keyboard shortcuts. I find 1 a day to start using.
On every elevator ride & most plane rides I find myself sizing up the passengers to determine who the hero is & who we have to gang up on.
RIP Bob M. The Fog of War may be my top Mad Ape Den pic of any era. Got any you owe a tip of the hat to?
Thanks, Baltimore. The swimming, rapping, BBQing, fireworking, country-musicking & avenuing were awesome, as usual. Next, you visit us!
I highly recommend buying a season of Top Gear for airplane viewing. (Bonus: no embarrassing sex scenes to hide from neighbor seats.)
I really hate when you click a deep-linked site URL on your phone and it forwards you to the front page of the mobile version of the site.
Street fired fireworks are the best! Also, the scariest. twitpic.com/9cojb
Huh: Joe DiMaggio has the 2nd-longest minor-league hitting streak (61 games for the San Francisco Seals in 1933). The record is 69 in 1919.
Spontaneous Michael Jackson dance party post- rap round robin in Baltimore. Attempted moonwalking for 1st time in…24 years?
Is it statistically accurate (so far this year) to say, with the bases loaded and Pujols up, “most of the time he’ll hit a grand slam”?
Bases loaded, Pujols at bat, my Twitter app crashes. I hurriedly load the MLB app & am confused by the score. Then, realization. & cheers.
Swimming in Prettyboy reservoir near Baltimore was awesome…& prohibited! We stayed, despite the death threats: twitpic.com/97lgt