It feels like the worst record in baseball is always worse than the best record is best. I wonder how often it’s that way.
Wow, Bruno cut a Michael Jackson scene in the hours before the debut: Wonder if anyone knew they were on top of his star.
I remember gushing to my mom about MJ in 3rd grade and her replying “He seems like a very talented dancer.”
My pal & Woot podcast guy Matthew eulogizes MJ quite nicely:
Now creepy headline from 3 weeks ago: “Will Michael Jackson survive his concert marathon?”
I took this as an excuse to finally watch Captain EO (via @boogah) Francis Ford Coppola? Really? Still, pretty awesome.
It’s a little anticlimactic, but I rescued Jason trapped in an elevator today. Well, I pulled open the door on 1 side & he did on the other.
Video clip via @anildash makes for a perfect obituary: Made me sadder than I expected to get over it.
I’ve switched back to Twitteriffic over Tweetdeck because it launches and loads new tweets in the time it takes for my elevator to arrive.
sugar monkey crazy hdtv lcd red blue house orange Terms appearing in links pointing here: fred smith words 720p vizio plasma birds plant
I, @jasontoon & @pyrimyd wrote some new Sanford affair euphemisms besides the old/busted “Hiking the Appalachian Trail”:
It is nice the Cards can have a horrible, embarrassing loss and still be in first. Tomorrow’s game looks to be epic.
If you can think of it as funny, give that a try before you try angry or depressed. Or at least plan to get back around to it eventually.
I guess our writers were early parodying the missing South Carolina governor stint. Oh what they could’ve done knowing he was in Argentina!
The Cardinals were the only team in the Central to win tonight. We’re too inconsistent, but it’s hard to complain with the results so far.
I wonder what the longest rain delay in a pitching complete game is. 51m is impressive but not likely the record (pitchers are sissies now).
Next seemingly obvious, but missing feature on the iPhone is find-on-page ctrl-f type thing in mobile Safari and other apps.
Iran has fancy stoplights with timers showing how much green light is left: (Off when yellow: )
I want something to help me determine how much I should spend to fix my car vs. when to give up. ‘97, no clutch, otherwise decent shape.
The morning’s a little crazyt, but it’s one of those “out of my control” areas, so I’m trying not to stress too much.
New experience: now I know what it’s like when a clutch goes out. I prefer it the other way, but it’s good to know for sure.
I know this sound unlikely but it is definitively true: the iPhone 3G S camera freezes the action from just before you hit the shutter.
Wooter fyrefall has the best use I’ve seen for the Leakfrog: (from their alternate Photoshop contest: )
Oddest news of the day: the South Carolina governor is missing, even from his family, over Father’s Day -
Is there a definitive list of iPhone’s Voice Control commands? Apple ( is bewilderingly vague & I see no help elsewhere.