This is the 1st show I’ve been to where I may have hearing damage from the crowd noise alone. #yeahyeahyeahs
Heading out to my 1st corkball game in years. I’m not even sure I’ve ever officially played an actual, for real full-length corkball match.
I want to right-click on a web page & see how I got to that page. With links opening in new archive-less tabs, I’m often not sure.
Autostitched a few iPhone pics together to make a backyard garden panorama:
Time for monthly incomprehensibly echo-y spoken warning & siren broadcast across St. Louis. It is hard to think of a more worthless system.
It’s not the Bahamas, but a backyard fire, lounging in some new chairs by the garden is pretty pleasant.
Odd that @southwestair flies from STL & from nearby Indy, but not from 1 to the other. Only AA does that. (Yes, I know it’s a short drive.)
Ok, I’ll admit it. I teared up watching Lou Gehrig’s retirement speech (again). Was his the 1st retired # in any sport or just baseball?
We’ve got a little bit of a debate over what’s in the middle of this Google Map: What’s your vote?
I do mental calculations out of laziness. Rather than counting all these sheep, why not just determine the rate they’re jumping & multiply?
Dozing off in the Bahamas I did some mental calculations & guessed about 6 million waves hit the beach a year. Calculator says 6,311,385.
This weekend I’m digging through snapshots to make a Bahamas set. Meanwhile, want a textured geometric desktop background?
Travel tip: If your flight’s delayed, ignore the time they tell you (LIES!) & look up the delay the previous leg had at
Another sign the swune flu scare is over: airlines put the germ-ridden, filthy blankets back in carry-on, ready to index us with normal flu.
I feel like there’s been a glitch in time. I’ve woken up Saturday morning while, at the same time, most of you are still up Friday night.
The bad news: I had to set my alarm for 3:30am for tomorrow. The good news: I turned off my daily morning alarm for a week.
I think I’ll do searches for some guy/the guy/that guy for folks tweeting behind strangers’ backs & @ them a reply as that guy to scare ‘em.
Last night’s Cards tickets are the first in 2 years I won’t have in my souvenir collection. But they went for a good cause: free dinner!
I’m amazed by the win % in early innings. It’s surprising the leading team wins 81% of the time leading by only 2 in the top of the 5th.
“Build-A-Bear Cited for Child Labor Violations.” Well, duh. IT’S THE NAME OF THEIR COMPANY.
Care to weigh in on the Cardinals’ current Busch Stadium jumbotron design?
Any STL media / bloggers (@matthewhleach @fungoes @dgoold etc.) can use my Big Mac sign photos with attribution/link: