Ever wonder what a St. Louis Slinger is, exactly? tr.im/m6Q4 (by Dan Zettwoch who seems to not be on Twitter for some reason.)
The sweep of the Cubs, Carps return, and Wainwright and Pineiro’s gems were great to see, but that Pujols hit will be the memory that lasts.
Is it purposefully humorous that FSMW signs his Tweets with the characteristically inefficient “double-P”?
If the new iPhone has a built-in compass, as is rumored, and presumably an accompanying app, will Safari need a new icon?
Trying to make better use of Google Calendar mostly leads me to wonder how the hell I thought I’d get all of this crap done.
How you know the swine flu scare is over: we’re back to men not washing their hands in the bathroom.
Can’t LaRussa tell Schumaker that he is forbidden from sliding into first or he’ll sit the next game?
Just looked up and read full original lyrics to Cotton Eye Joe on Wikipedia, & let’s just say they probably shouldn’t be playing that song.
Chris Duncan is shaping up to be the hero tonight. Must keep this in mind the next time there’s a flub play.
I think iPhone apps should have to publish battery usage stats. I can watch the battery icon decrease by the minute with some of these.
I’m glad to see Cardinal fans have a longer memory than I feared. Lou Brock was a better trade than McGwire by more than 5:1.
Ah, no Ankiel tonight afterall. Better healthy than rushed. We’ve still got Carp. Looking forward to going to tonight & tomorrow’s games!
Favorite pic of the week: Oak Bluffs beachgoers, c.1920 - tr.im/lUGB (via tr.im/lUGJ) moar: tr.im/lUHc
I am not only excited by the new entry way light I got, I’m excited about you seeing the new entry way light I got. #gettingOld
Sadly, it seems Twitter @ replies are a more reliable way to get a hold of me than my cell phone. #deadzone #att
My Name Is Earl is canceled. I wonder when networks will figure out Nielsen ratings are no longer adequate ways to measure viewing audience.