
Not clear from either of the articles I read whether Facebook is now an issuing partner for OpenID in addition to being a relying partner.

Most of the time I’m unimpressed with my Wolframalpha results but every once in awhile it works quite nicely: tr.im/lHAn

I wonder if you can combine OCD and ADD and get someone obsessed with a habit he never manages to complete.

Picked up a scratchy throat and cough that I WILL be getting rid of in the next two days.

Turns out Kidz In The Hall are far less funny than Kids In The Hall. Still figuring out this video on demand stuff.

How much would you sell 1% of everything you make for the rest of your life?

I’m going to have nightmares tonight from reading a 2 sentence summary of the 1960 film Eyes Without A Face.

I love that one of my errands today was to hang out at the frozen custard stand. Check that off the list. twitpic.com/5blhd

It is a good day to have a convertible.

It’s a shame the Discovery Channel takes shows with good premises (Doing DaVinci & Pitchmen) & infects them with Jackass pranks & man-drama.

I like the concept of this Out of the Wild show, but in practice it’s turned into an amatuer hunting show + some hiking.

WolframAlpha is better than Google at at least one thing: bit.ly/LyrP4

wolframalpha’s error message says “I’m sorry, I can’t do that, Dave.” It’s trying to be cute, but I have to admit, it was pretty freaky.

I haven’t filtered out near duplicates, blurry & excessive snapshotting. Here’s 200+ pics from Fischerspooner last night: tr.im/ltMg

What’s the bonsai crowd (@andyrutledge) think of this? tr.im/ltA6 Is it cheating? Would it work? (via @joelterrific)

I got a 2nd Chumby (cardinal red!). It’s fairly useless, but occasionally entertaining & a nice diversion. I think of it as a desk pet.

Spent several minutes cleaning my desk top & mouse to fix its seemingly new issues. Then I saw the receiver end had fallen behind the desk.

I apologize to you all for not convincing you to go to FischerSpooner tonight. Show Of The Year. (Those of you in Dallas, go tomorrow.)

I’ve gotten good at recognizing people wearing shirt.woot shirts. Tonight was the 1st time someone recognized me wearing 1. #fischerspooner

Eating Pi pizza in the Pageant, sipping a Fat Tire in front row center seats. I feel like I’ve made it to expert mode. #fischerspooner

Got federated search (Win7) for Flickr working with cc-licensing! (I realize that makes sense to <1% of you.) Thx for the help, @longzheng

Most annoying (and seemingly fastest growing) spam trend of the last year? tr.im/lfTT

Seriously, Twitter, do maintenance in non-business hours if you want to have any hope of attracting & keeping serious businesses using you.

I wonder how many people complaining about the @ change had this as their selected behavior anyway. Ev said 98%. It was not well understood.

With purchase of couch, I’ve finally replaced all hand-me-down furniture. Well, except my 1950s kitchen table (thanks Amy!) but that stays.