As a bit of an aid: On May Ten, it is my aim to get all on the web to gab in the way I do now. One, two, or one+two, not six or ten. Get it?
A few who see all I say are apt to go Woo Hoo to a bit I set up: but a ton may say Huh? or Ugh! Aim for 5/10, all!
Got credit report: Laughably, I’m helped by the age (14 years) of the credit card I signed up for to get a free candy bar while hitchhiking.
Watched every featurette of Harry Potter 5 with @__ today & didn’t leave the couch. Sometimes rainy days can be just the right excuse.
Rainy Days & Mondays Always Get Me Down math: Carpenters were from LA. 35 d/yr precip; avg 30 non-Mon+52 Mondays=82 depression-d/yr. 1 in 4!
I really enjoy when we sell wtf stuff on woot. Sellout.woot today is pretty surprising, and cool if you’ve got a young daughter or three.
In my sleep, I invented a music subgenre: the same cadence, stylings, & sound as hip-hop, but purposefully lyric-less: hum-hop.
In three minutes I watched five people try to leave through this door:
Maybe I’m more visual than audial. The main thing that tempts me to buy vinyl is the amazing album cover art:
CDs & vinyl are the same for me now: I understand why they exist, but there’s no reason I should buy either. Still, free cupcakes & PBR!
I love the rotating, lit, rotating moon sculpture atop the new Moonrise Hotel in the loop:
Criterion does it right. Online viewing of a movie is $5. Watch as many times for a week, then that $5 counts towards a purchase of the DVD.
I confused most people at the Tweetup with the @_ on the nametag (though @__ had it worse), but met many nice folks for the 1st or 2nd time.
Watching the graphs on twitterholic over the last month, it’s clear Twitter didn’t want a bot feed (CNN) to get to a million before a celeb.
A pleasant night: A St. Louis tweetup of old friends, meeting old twitterFriends, & making new friends at the best bar in town - @theroyale.
Heading to @theRoyale for a Tweetup + dinner, but not likely to get there till 6:30 or so. Presumably it’ll still be going on.
I love any excuse to make up some goofy graphs:
I just found out the tree in my backyard is flowering, via Twitter. Thanks @__!
On the road, have a dirty canteen, so you only drink when you’re thirsty. Home, I buy a few gross coffee pods, so I reorder ere I’m all out.
I wish I’d written:… It’s phrased so perfectly it’s the best ad for Birdhouse yet.
I like… “have only been purchased once in the past week” I want to see that for all Amazon categories.
Now I read every @lonelysandwich Tweet trying to imagine what the earlier drafts might have looked like.