Jason liveblogs doing his last minute taxes, updated throughout the day: tr.im/iSs0
I need a 2nd Twitter account for April-October evenings where I don’t follow those who talk Cardinals during games, since I watch delayed.
Should I be happy, embarrassed, or both that I’d seen 19 of 20 and 91 of 100 of these Internet meme videos? tr.im/iOJN
On the job keeping up with the web & tech has paid off so many times. How much is lost because of bosses who consider it goofing off?
Comma-separated-values are dumb. Why not dual-pipe-separated values, or dual-back-tic something else you don’t have to constantly escape?
1st World Dillemma: Gmail Lab’s “Send & Archive” feature keeps me organized, but I frequently wish I had the 5-second “Unsend” feature.
Using m.twitter since Tweetie and Twitteriffic tell me I’ve somehow used over 100 requests in last hour. I must be twittering while napping.
Dear gas station on Grand: Maybe rethink having an 8-chime, 10-second doorbell on every door opening before your attendant kills everyone.
Second Easter in a row at the ballpark. Sadly, no Easter Bunny throwing out the first pitch this year. twitpic.com/37ydo
It’s a bit silly, but I enjoy checking weather.com customized for the ballgame I’m heading to: tr.im/iFRf
I was worried my car had some kind of engine trouble. Loud, low rumbling. Turns out, I had a flat tire! Good news?
I wish Fox’s announcers would just get their own twitter accounts. It’s a waste to have them announce who they are in every tweet. @mlbonfox
How’s the opening band? @__ says “I think I liked the sound check better.” twitpic.com/34qxz
Good news: I think we have the best seats in the house @ThePageant #BonniePrinceBillie Bad news: there’s an opening act.
Gmail name address issue solved! Someone sent a (misspelled name) email to my @woot account, which Gmail then auto-added to “Contacts.”
Did Twitter ditch the public timeline? I missed that, but it seems like this forwards to my DMs now: twitter.com/public_ti…
Tomorrow’s woot is awesome though I won’t be buying it. @mantia will want to see. The manufacturer went out of business before he was born.
Jarring to see the MLB app give the status of a game as “postponed: tragedy.” Searched: Angels’ pitcher Nick Adenhart died in a car crash.
Hovering over my name in a gmail reply shows last name is misspelled. No idea where that’s from, and worse, no idea how to fix it. #lazyweb