The closed captioning for the mid-inning contestant’s rendition of “change change change” appropriately substituted “shame shame shame.”
All right, I have pretty definitively proven the Shazam app does not know Albert Pujols’s at-bat song. Do any of you?
I’m a fan of this Left Field Landing. Which is good, since we’ve got 7 games here.
Starting to wonder if this whole “on deck” idea needs to be retired. That was a bit too close to #5.
I just got an email from a vendor embroidering our logo on a shirt. He said the logo was too small and could I make it bigger. It’s vector.
To make a copy at FedEx: Put $1 on card. Put card in. Make copy. Take card to cashier. FILL OUT REBATE FORM w/ PHONE # & SIGN IT! Get $0.90.
I’m a CSS supporter, but I have to admit, this mug is awesome:
All right, I’m going to just say it. @TheRoyale adding Match meat to their menu is awesome. BBQ Sandwich was shockingly good.
I’m surprised how many people I follow don’t think to create a fake account for their coerced marketing tweets. It’s the polite thing to do.
My camera’s at home, auto-uploading (@eyeficard) last night’s baseball pics. I can see them showing up on my flickr account. #TheFutureIsNow
This keyboardist lies at the exact juxtaposition between ironic enjoyment and pure awesome actual enjoyment: [?]
Holy crap, just realized the exact most useful things for freezing cold baseball games (which are otherwise completely useless): SNUGGIES.
Resolved: all restaurants should have wheel-out beer carts when the wait is more than 15 minutes. @JBucks
If the Pirates have their 17th consecutive losing season this year, it’ll set a record in all 4 American pro sports. I still hope we sweep.
Apparently Matt Clement is officially retiring. I’d like to figure a way to get paid for 3 years before quitting a job.
My favorite b&b is quite possibly the most technologically advanced mansion in the woods:…
Will this be the only night of my life with a waxed handlebar mustache or will I have one for my last 20-30 years? It could go either way.
Another attempt to use flickr more thoroughly. Auto-upload photos (set to private by default) should help.