
The closed captioning for the mid-inning contestant’s rendition of “change change change” appropriately substituted “shame shame shame.”

All right, I have pretty definitively proven the Shazam app does not know Albert Pujols’s at-bat song. Do any of you?

I’m a fan of this Left Field Landing. Which is good, since we’ve got 7 games here. twitpic.com/310tn

Starting to wonder if this whole “on deck” idea needs to be retired. That was a bit too close to #5.

Wow, sarcastic clapping, already. It’s game 3 people!

I just got an email from a vendor embroidering our logo on a shirt. He said the logo was too small and could I make it bigger. It’s vector.

To make a copy at FedEx: Put $1 on card. Put card in. Make copy. Take card to cashier. FILL OUT REBATE FORM w/ PHONE # & SIGN IT! Get $0.90.

I’m a CSS supporter, but I have to admit, this mug is awesome: tinyurl.com/dbjvkx

Realized I have five iPhone apps with S icons. I wonder if that’s all of them.

All right, I’m going to just say it. @TheRoyale adding Match meat to their menu is awesome. BBQ Sandwich was shockingly good.

I’m surprised how many people I follow don’t think to create a fake account for their coerced marketing tweets. It’s the polite thing to do.

My camera’s at home, auto-uploading (@eyeficard) last night’s baseball pics. I can see them showing up on my flickr account. #TheFutureIsNow

Ah, fun. The Starbucks cup has sprung a leak. Speed-coffee-drinking contest commence!

This keyboardist lies at the exact juxtaposition between ironic enjoyment and pure awesome actual enjoyment: [?]

A Cardinals loss sucks, but it is far better than no baseball at all.

Holy crap, just realized the exact most useful things for freezing cold baseball games (which are otherwise completely useless): SNUGGIES.

Resolved: all restaurants should have wheel-out beer carts when the wait is more than 15 minutes. @JBucks

In a bar that i didn’t know existed, under some seats. Nice and toasty, plus margaritas!


If the Pirates have their 17th consecutive losing season this year, it’ll set a record in all 4 American pro sports. I still hope we sweep.

Clean-shaven for the first time since mid-January. And just in time for (re)winter!

Apparently Matt Clement is officially retiring. I’d like to figure a way to get paid for 3 years before quitting a job.

My favorite b&b is quite possibly the most technologically advanced mansion in the woods: www.justin.tv/restauran…

Will this be the only night of my life with a waxed handlebar mustache or will I have one for my last 20-30 years? It could go either way.

Another attempt to use flickr more thoroughly. Auto-upload photos (set to private by default) should help. flickr.com/dave