The iPhone can take some good pics given enough light and a steady hand:
Success! Next stage critical. Strategy: style/wax ‘stache 1st, buzz all else. Rinse, razor, rewax. #mustacheQuest
Bummer, American Classic barbershop doesn’t do shaves on Saturdays & doesn’t have mustache wax. They did recommend Purtle barber supply.
The absolute best spot in St. Louis to eat doughnuts and sip coffee:
[oldMan] Dear newly drinking age college kids at the food-court-turned-bar, you don’t need to stand in line. It’s kind of weird, actually.
Can I get a card to show that says: I take responsibility for my actions? I would like to stand on this chair so I can see the band.
Heading to Beach House, but first, a little tofu donuts (sesame-seed tofu) at Lemongrass with their roady and our pal, Russell.
As far as I can tell, as long as it is not determined that God damned my earbuds into not working, I should be able to get replacement ones.
Trying Q&A IM chatbot Aardvark. Cool idea. I think it dies once it grows to teen world, a la @_ w/ email if you want invite.
Read article on monitor distances (advising 2’ & up to 3’ for focal aid!) Trying out 2’. So far, odd but nice. Makes me want a huge monitor.
Have 2 teams had players with the same name? If not, are Brian Barton / Barden the closest? (Or will it be if IQ-BB ever makes the team?
I believe the literary, TV & movie use of time travel is due to the benefit of reusing and re-reusing segments of time for filler/padding.
It is surprising how difficult it is to evenly cut 6 slices of pizza out of the standard 12 or 14-inch size. Going square tonight.
This many years later, and I still think the funniest + most useful single-serving site domain I know is
Does St. Louis get all of these Filet O Fish McDonald’s ads because there’s a large Catholic population & it’s Lent? Or are they everywhere?
No mustache wax at the Art of Shaving! I did get a badger hair shaving brush, though. Next stop, American Classic barber shop tomorrow.
Another April-Foolish but true thing I learned today - Human hair is used to make pizza dough. Or rather, cysteine, which is in the dough.
It’s insane, but I’m certain these aren’t April Fools gags: (Presidential Hair) & (Extinct animal bones)
All road trips from Rome must be frustrating. “Ah, crap. We drove for 6 hours, but isn’t that our house?”
WrongTomorrow (via @gruber) is cool, but I want to submit a query like this & have auto-fill, which I can then tweak:
Playing with a silly Woot ad spot on sidebar. Thanks, @joeljohnson! (Also fun, we started this deal talk on Twitter.)