I enjoy April Fools jokes with well-thought-out writing. Not the mass that are a quick visual idea hacked together. (Ours was half of each.)
Tip for journalists: saying “Image courtesy of” does not mean you can steal images from said place without contacting or hearing from them.
Now that Twitter shows me all tweets with @_ anywhere in them, I’ll likely never see your replies again! (I’m swamped with @_@ emoticons.)
It has come to this: my cardio this week has almost entirely been Rock Band drumming. Whatever works, I guess.
I wish a report on evil genius hackers would mention the problem is people using one, simple, dictionary-available password on every site.
Half of the 1-star reviews on the iPhone app store give glowing reviews. Something’s wrong with the UI. Must be maddening for app authors.
I’d like to start a movement to rename the erupting volcano Mt. Redoubt to Mt. Jindal in honor of the monitoring.
I was in disbelief that it had actually snowed, but my Gmail theme confirms it, so I guess it’s true.
Add me to the group who doesn’t care that @cwalken wasn’t actually Christopher Walken and still wants to read his entertaining Tweets.
Photographic evidence of our winning ways. Five Metroites at our table of 10! twitpic.com/2k87b
I haven’t been to a trivia night since the iPhone. Do they rely on honor system, hoping people won’t cheat? With cash prizes, it’s doubtful.
If any couple of you would like to try out Hunch (which is sadly, quickly evolving to be Internet quizzes instead of personal advice), @ me.
Mission Control:[Computer-Jargon] Astronaut:Ok. Understand. MC:We figured you already knew it, but we wanted to show you how smart we were.
I’ve got an afternoon of reading through moon-landing and moon-orbiting transcripts. Surprised and amused how casual the conversations are.
Trying Hunch. It’s 21 questions, except instead of animal/vegetable/mineral it’s “Where should I go on vacation” or “What dog should I get?”
Awesome: Nasa transcript, discussion & photo-evidence that the golf balls landed back on the moon: tr.im/hV8l (Thanks Mr. Gioia!)
What’s the escape velocity of the moon? Was there film of it? Did he hit three? Can something orbit the moon? Could it be seen by telescope?
Tonight had my second extended conversation on where the golf ball hit from the moon most likely ended up. Any thoughts?
Ok, I admit it, I chuckle just a little when we get seated in the Phuket room at The King & I. And then I feast on tasty green curry tofu.
My new favorite single serving site: pleasefave.us (nsfw for some adult language)
What % of a basketball game is freethrow shots? It makes for awful TV, made worse by all the purposeful or unavoidable (drawn) fouls.
I like that the Missouri “Unclaimed Property” site is showmemoney.com …I also like that I somehow had about $75 in 3 checks there.