Right now it’s 71 degrees in Amarillo. By 7am tomorrow morning, there will be as much as 15 inches of snow, with drifts of 10-20ft.
As proposed by some of you: Should Scrabble alter their point-values as more / easier words using Q & Z are added? tr.im/hQHZ
Wow, critical mass these last couple months on facebook. Seems to be pretty much everyone I’ve ever known on there all at once now.
Weird to see the Cubs logo on Todd Wellemeyer’s followers: twitter.com/todalion I love how awkward 1st tweets are. “This thing on?”
I enjoy this Art Deco entry: tr.im/hQ5o Give it a vote if you’re willing and able.
No surprise, but awful: Drug companies pay RealAge to compile test results of surveys & email answerers marketing messages. www.tr.im/hPw7
Only problem with all-in-1 nature of the iPhone: I would like to play Zen Bound while CCR plays on my iPod stereo. & not wearing headphones.
Ironically (given my masses of status updates) I don’t use facebook enough to like or hate the design changes everyone’s atwitter about.
Where The Wild Things Are trailer is awesome. I’m a bit worried it’s better than the movie will be, given the director’s music video roots.
On custom m&ms: “Your logo will be randomly printed on one side of all the printable colors you’ve chosen.” Why say randomly?
WpediaWootEdit: magical company…sells you poop in a bag & then makes u eat it…very mean evil demonice filthy bastards who are sick like tht.
I used to like Gill Sans. One, capital-I & lowercase-l are completely indistinguishable? Wonderful for IM addresses on business cards.
Is there a way Google won’t return results where “These terms only appear in links pointing to this page”? I’m back to +ing everything.
Can anyone get me screenshots of the (3rd party) Woot-monitoring app on the G1 Googlephone? Are there multiple Woot apps in the Marketplace?
The only good thing about all the facebook email notifications: I feel very productive as I can clear out a ton of emails in a few seconds.
I was all ready to casually watch the WBC finals, not caring who won and they had to go and make it exciting.
It surprised me how many über-rich 20-somethings use Blackberries instead of iPhones. I guess txting speed trumps all other issues.
May have moved behind the players’ wives, based on the enormous wedding rings, but confused by all the talk of where to buy cheap shoes.
Ok, the stadium DJ is officially great. Walk On (U2) song after a walk. “Dirt off your shoulder” after a sliding steal.
Struck by how offensively strong today’s lineup is: Ank, 5, Luddy, Khalil (hopefully ‘07 or before), Dunc. Gotta be scary to opp. pitching.