
I bet this is the best day in the life of Shane Robinson, #90. Races out a single, steals a base, scores the winning run.

And so ends our trend of identical scoreboard sides (each inning, total runs, hits, errors).

May have just been on TV in front of bewildering “Cardinals fan training beer” signs held up by some ladies. Wrong order? Missing a word?

Orioles left-fielder tossed the foul ball into the stands, but overshot and ended up in the parking lot. E7? He shrugged, sheepishly.

Ludwick 2/2 so far. Looks line his one-hit-a-day goal is working out pretty well for him.

One of the best parts of Spring Training is chatting with the extremely team-knowledgable older ladies, who are often keeping a scoresheet.

I find it interesting who LaRussa refers to by first and who by last name: Glaus, Schumaker, Yadi, Albert, etc.

Serenaded by a blackbird who is apparently upset we didn’t leave more cornbread crumbs: twitpic.com/2ckss

I love that the whole “we will give you our competitor’s bids with our own” insurance gimmick is fully stolen from A Miracle on 34th Street.

Returning to Leila middle-eastern restaurant tonight, after a year’s absence.. Best in Palm Beach. Florida. Maybe the whole south?

Schooling the nearby non-Cardinals fans in the ways of the Secret Weapon.

How do you officially score “inference by seagulls”?

Umpire offered the 7-year-old in front of me a trade: kid’s popcorn for his Pujols hit foul: kid declined, but ump gave of up anyway.

How many MLB games have one team scoring in every inning? Rarer than a perfect game?

Confused/concerned/bemused by the Challenger and Columbia foul poles. Really? This is how we honor their memories? Immortalized by fouls?

Made it to Space Coast stadium, through piles of rain. Sunny here. Easily more Cards shirts/hats than Nationals, despite the 2hr drive.

I got a bit scared when they told me to park on the grass, but the hotel seems perfectly fine.

All I know about Atlanta: you get there late, run a long ways, & nearly die from exhaustion. New experience: making the connection. Barely.

Landed in Atlanta. Surprise, surprise, we can’t get into our gate yet. Sitting on the runway. Clock is ticking. Are there ever no issues?

Is weather prediction any better than it was 5 years ago? 10 years?

I bet kids would get excited about diagramming sentence parts if it was referred to as “reverse Mad-Libs.”

My theory on Bevo Mill closing: A-B was more forgiving on late rent than the (as of January, now owner) city is, so the restaurant gave up.

Ok, looks like Woot’s back up. Sleepytime.

Hoping to see Woot come back up before heading to bed. At least for the devs in Vegas it’s earlier.

Packing for the annual Spring Training trip. Very short layover in Atlanta is scaring me, but I’ll just hope for the best.