
I miss ATMs letting me put my folded, wrinkled checks in envelopes for deposit. Twice now the checks are ruined depositing them directly.

Trying to figure out how to nerd out tonight: Go see Watchmen alone, or stay home configuring and playing with new Mac Time Capsule.

(Very) late to the game, but how about: Who tantalizes the talisman?

If you click someone’s username, & click ‘favorites’ you get a url with the British /favourites/ …Works without the u, but that’s still odd.

Hey Twitter followers: Star clever/funny stuff from people you follow so I can stalk them, too. Facebook friends: move along, move along.

Trying to work out stage one of the mustache shaping I’ll be doing tonight. Important to get this first part right, it’s tough to undo.

Same league/division & metropolitan area - NBA: LA Clippers/Lakers, NHL: NYC Rangers/Islanders, MLB: NYC B.Dodgers/NY Giants. (thx all!)

Have there ever been two teams in one city from one of the big-4 sports playing in the same league (ie, both in the NL or both AL)?

My World Baseball Classic prediction: Dominican Republic over Japan in the finals. An early upset is just what you need to get motivated.

Chuckling at finding in my Google history: BOOBLESS on calculator. Honest, it was for work!

A problem with cup-at-a-time coffee makers: I’m getting serious ring-around-the-mug from all the exact size cups. (And yes, I wash the mug.)

May have overloaded my Twitter feed with STL Cardinals Twitterers (@MatthewHLeach, @miklasz, @dgoold). But maybe it’s just Spring Training.

Are there times it’s appropriate to wear a dress shirt, but not appropriate to wear French cuffs?

Realizing my friends’ jokes happened: I’ve reconnected with an old friend in the 1 month I’ve got mustache photos up on all my accounts.

Found a friend from 20+ years back online after realizing I still remembered how to spell his 13-letter name and googling it.

Just watched Birdcage for the first time in a dozen years. Technically, it was an hour longer this time around, but didn’t seem long.

I believe I am officially old. I am somewhat excited to buy this no-crank hose reel off Woot.

This excellent wine at Monarch is 90% Sangiovese and 10% a lot of vowels.

Heading to dinner at Monarch in a little bit. I admit, a little bit because I knew I could use my iPhone OpenTable app to reserve a spot.

I suppose “the future” is here when I no longer feel amazed at & compelled to mention crazy new combos of tech/syncing services.

2nd Eye-Fi card bought & configured for home/personal use. Trying to set Automator to auto-import Dropbox’s Photo directory.

Anyone local to STL still selling Girl Scout cookies? I need 3 Thin Mint and 2 Samoas boxes! Got some GS ice cream, but it’s not the same

US vs. Canada announcer ranks as on of the most careful phrases to get right in baseball: “hot shot, hit foul”.

Today’s woot podcast is from an idea @__ (Barbara to you FBers) had: files.woot.com/20090305-… [mp3]

Since when do guy’s jeans not include length? I never understood women’s abstract single-number sizing. Now it’s invading my clothes!