
Accidentally bought some naturally fermented guava juice. Ugh. Bleck. Yuck. Why can’t the health food store sell some fruit smoothies?

Someday I’ll have a blog to use as for extras & discussion of some of my Tweets…But not yet. bit.ly/7Wz9IK

Thanks for all the congrats, friends. Still floating a bit, though we did manage to get the Christmas tree up & have some eggnog.

Home from an awesome long weekend at our fave b&b, @garthmansion. Tough choosing between jacuzzi with fireplace view or hot tub with forest.

Settled on the Pratt knot as my go-to. It’s a quirky method but ends with a not-too-thick, not-too-thin symmetrical knot: j.mp/5JyAYX

Didn’t expect to be woken from my nap by gunfire. I’m guessing some hunting season just started?


Twitterpals: I asked @__ to marry me and she said yes! We’re celebrating with an engagement honeymoon at our favorite B&B.

This is 3 years old, but it’s still my favorite Woot headline. It may be my favorite news headline ever. tr.im/FNY7

Interesting to see @jack not using the built-in new RT functionality, but RTing manually.

Hey @Consumerreports, you say: Password’s case sensitive, but then you say: Password has to be 4 to 20 lowercase letters &/or numbers. Lame.

Very nice Wired mention of our new Deals.Woot site: www.wired.com/epicenter…

Did Albert lose a finger? “I’ve got 1 ring so far but I’ve got 9 fingers. So that’s my goal - to help this ballclub win.”

On my way home from work and, I’m not positive, but I believe the world’s longest noodle (2 miles) is being made in Tower Grove Park.

I feel a bit silly saying this but if any journalist types are interested, @smiller & I are up for interviews/discussion about Deals.Woot.

OH: I don’t mind being alive & I won’t mind being dead. It’s the messy transition I’m not looking forward to.

Lots of prep & double-checking things today. Thursday we’re going to our favorite b&b to relax. Wooters good at patterns might have a guess.

Richard Garriot / Lord British, creator of the amazing Ultima video games with a Woot monkey on his head: tr.im/FAI3

Am I square? Evidence: a) I didn’t know meaning of L7 till today. b) I learned it from a grammar blog called Language Log. c) this tweet.

Iphone app idea: voice controllable anagram maker.

Had a Curb Your Enthusiasm moment grimmacing as a mentally disabled lady (mis-)packed my groceries, putting heavy things on top of light.

I had a Curb Your Enthusiasm moment grimmacing as a mentally disabled lady (mis-)packed my groceries, putting heavy things on top of light.

New @TSA style rules for my cats. No loitering in front of the litterbox. No liquids outside of the litterbox or water bowl. No sharp claws.

Was excited to spend the day playing new Beatles Rock Band songs, but it won’t boot. System files are corrupted. 3 weeks for $70 Wii repair.

Ah the joy of a brand new grocery cart.