I’m at Tornado (St Louis) w/ 5 others 4sq.com/evYi42
This has been the week of Quora, it seems. I’ve had a neglected account for awhile, but suddenly piles of people are connecting.
The Royale was my 1000th Foursquare check-in, appropriately. (@ The Royale) 4sq.com/hq0ZuF
The ebook version of Getting Things Done is $11 while the paperback is $6.50. This leaves me not buying it at all, out of annoyance.
How people have written about the end of the world: j.mp/gz0Y7Z (adding “end of the world” is interesting, too)
Hate iPad apps that use “out of box” icon for misc. tasks: translate it, copy link, mail it, open in Safari, read later. Some apps have 2!
Tonight’s “Wikipedia page as bedtime story”: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimm… (& bonus good “see also” pages)
I think the virtual fireplace app was a bigger holiday hit than the translation augmented reality app.
It surprises me that Apple’s Game Center has the worst (non)method of finding friends. Not even a contact list search?!
One of the most beautiful white Christmases I’ve seen: twitpic.com/3jkqfr
I think this may be what the Ghost of Christmas Future was warning us against: twitpic.com/3j6w7r