It is not a good idea & I hope it never happens, but I would watch a sequel to Groundhog Day where he lives the aftermath of his life.
Debating walking home, walking to a bus stop, or calling @__ to pick me up. I think I’m picking the easy way out.
So we’re on iOS 4 and we still can’t search the body content of email or ctrl-f style find text on a web page. That stinks.
What water?
The movers lost my wireless keyboard USB connector, but on the plus side, they found an errant French fry behind my desk and packed that.
Enjoying the view at Starbucks:
First encounter with some Seattle wildlife tonight:
Not 100% moved in, but taking a little break to enjoy the first sunset:
I see a long future of finding moving-inventory stickers on my possessions and trying to peel them off cleanly.
Moving into a new house was too simple, so we upped it to Nightmare difficulty by having painters still here at the same time as the movers.
Odd. IPad keyboard has graphical ridges on f & j as though you’d feel them dragging your fingers across the screen:
I’ll admit this is absurd, but it’s perfect: watching live video of the Cards game on the iPad while streaming the radio feed on the iPhone.
Occasionally flipboard makes a really nice magazine page: (in the app clicking it enlarges and shows comments)
This is emblematic of my ongoing (& failing) quest to get keys made:
Dear iPad: when I type fikked, I probably mean filled, not finked. I suspect this is true of everyone not a high school narcotics agent.
Surprisingly vegetarian friendly. (@ How To Cook A Wolf)
Spent a little time in the hotel’s steam room. Or, as I like to call it, St. Louis summer nostalgia.