
I wonder if I’ll ever get used to PST. I still find myself subtracting a couple hours.

It turns out I’m pretty awful at the whole business networking thing. I did get to see Nutcracker ballerinas dancing feet away, though.

What does it mean when you have 3 boxes of Mac & Cheese in the house? Time to get 10 more boxes! #amazonFreshWhatHaveYouDoneToMe

I very much enjoy Amazon’s frustration-free packaging, but I wish they’d rate the rest with frustration-level. #BleedingStillNotOpen

New technologies (streaming video, eBooks) have emptied out my holiday wishlist (aside from gift certificates/cash).

If I didn’t already have an Internet nickname, I might go with DAve, just to excuse all the times I shift-hold typo that.

Google results for eighth: 1) marijuana 2) cruel & unusual punishment 3) Dr. Who

It’s turning out that I need to add “be vigilant” to all of my vacations. #anotherAPalert

The best thing about bar/pinball/video game places are all the free games left by the drunks.

Was I reading that article in the browser? Reeder? Twitter? Instapaper? Facebook? There’s a downside to this mobile browser modularity.

I love Powell’s. There’s huge benefit browsing shelves & flipping through books, but there’s a feeling of charity in paying these prices.

Enjoying not being in any sort of line, parking lot, sidewalk, or other Black Friday shenanigans.

Destroying my auto-correct dictionary by typing a bunch of Spanish.

Surprisingly, our cat Cricket is a big fan of the Dog Show. He sits in front of the TV and watches the whole thing.

Big life milestone here - I got every icon to show up across the status bar of my iPhone: twitpic.com/3a3liq

Does 4Square pay NBC for the mention in the Macy parade? If so, why have him mention mayor, since you get that checking in over 2 days?

I want to learn Spanish on my iPad / iPhone, but there’s so much mierda in the app store it’s hard to find anything good.

“With the mantle Christmas decorations we don’t have room for the Cardinals nesting dolls.” “But where can we put them all?” Oh. Right.

A multi-part documentary of the last 24 hours of the Seattle Woot staff would be better than most of the seasons of 24. #myEpisodeWasBoring

I wonder if Apple has stats on what % of users have ever double-clicked the home button on their iPhone. I bet it’s <10%.

Last remaining I-can’t-believe-it-can’t-do-this list for iPhone: full text search of emails. It’s stupid that I have to go to gmail.com.

Contrary to what they told me, I think I’ve already forgotten what day the Beatles became available on iTunes.

World’s Most Fragile Snowman cottonball ornament, RIP: 2006-2010.

Would society accomplish more (cures, poverty issues, technological progress) working in serial instead of parallel?

P. Diddy can not be happy that iPhone autocorrects his name to P. Sissy.