Uh oh, Netflix now has all of the original Twilight Zone episodes on streaming. Time for a marathon!
Had a dream where George W. Bush stayed over as a houseguest & we had to tactfully tell him it wasn’t ok to just wear boxers. #nonpartisan
The world’s best peanut vendor at this Mariner’s game. Around the back, looking the other way, right at you. & they’re hot, under a towel.
Sadly, the Twitter beer guy doesn’t serve our section. Our section is served by an iPhone App beer guy. Seriously. j.mp/ebMAAl
The NYTimes has done a great job of forcing me to realize how little I actually value their content.
Feeling stupid at math: which is more likely to have at least 1 success? 1 60% chance or 2 40% chances?
Realized I visit @gruber’s daringfireball.net & @waxpancake’s waxy.org more often because I can type the 1st 3 characters with my left hand.
Whew, turns out these Cardinals games don’t count, because according to MLB.tv we’re still in Spring Training! t.co/ARY1ubk
I love notifications @Twitter sends of mentions by people following me but why can’t I access that in the app? My Mentions tab is worthless.
Passed my 10th anniversary on @mathowie’s Metafilter. I wonder how many other sites with user accounts I visit regularly from 10 years back.
Since @AlbertBrooks is new to Twitter I’ll trick him into thinking I’m famous here & he’ll feel obligated to respond. #oneCharacterToAnother
Trying to think of ANY possible reason the @MLB Cardinals game is blocked out from MLB.tv nationwide when it’s not on TV nationwide.
I love checking back in on domain names I once registered & sold or let expire. Hello, warmmilk.com which is awesomely “Baby Hobo”!
Impressed with @foursquare update. Checking into old places is now fun. E.g., it knew when I’d last checked into a baseball game.
Florida decided to show us both kinds of weather we miss in Seattle: 90° heat waves & massive, torrential thunderstorms.
There should be a special badge for dorks like me who get the School Night 4square badge by waking up super early.
It’s funny working for weeks helping think out Woot’s Crapshoot April Fool’s gag & then being out of town with no Flash on 4/1. #jokesonme