A year ago today I tweeted my surprise & disappointment that you still couldn’t search the body of emails in the iPhone native mail client.
Tens-of-dollars app idea: Vegetarian Menu Lens - view a menu through the iPhone camera and only see the vegetarian items.
Based on that graph of falling Kindle prices, I should be able to retire in 2016 off the money they pay us to take Kindles.
The high is Barbara’s roaring fire. The low is opening the doors and windows to my smoke- @ Guemes Island Resort instagr.am/p/B5h9n/
Anything is possible! (@ Guemes Ferry) 4sq.com/hw84UC
I feel bad for all of the awesome wisdom facebook missed over those last two weeks that the twitter-to-facebook app was broken.
Would it be possible to accurately estimate what various gadgets & clothes would cost if made in the US?
I love that the 1st two results for SEO are wikipedia and Google. That must kill a ton of companies.
A bit of graupel fell on us tonight. In other news, graupel is a thing. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grau…
The best thing about Teen Tournament on Jeopardy! is that no matter how often they win, they can’t come back next week.
Until they combine Rock Band and Just Dance, I will not be embarrassed that we have two Wiis in the house.
I would watch Watson play Wheel of Fortune. It’d be awesome to see him spin the wheel exactly optimally every time.
Presidents’ Day is a serious holiday in Seattle. Many restaurants, parking garages, other stores closed. Is it because this is Washington?
The elevators are on ID card only. Because it’s Presidents’ Day. Uh, what? (@ Amazon - TCC Building) 4sq.com/hfaIdv
So that idea I had, of an app like Shazam but for movies into.tv/i/7rZe
Yes, we were sober when we decided the loser of the skee-ball tournament would walk back to the car barefoot. #andItWasntMe