Surprisingly entertaining sitting behind the trash/recycling/composting bins watching people trying to get it right. And judging.
Barbara & I go kayaking.
No Google Maps, I did not ask you to take me to the best place to be mugged:
Post-PC for me: When @__ sees me on my laptop for any length of time (vs iPad) she asks if something’s wrong (that I’m having to work on).
I’m going to start a new movement: Beatles-Denier. Can you really prove the existence of the Beatles? They’re a myth!
We’ve started referring to “actual ducks” to mean the birds because they’re rarer than the tourist bus boats.
If you’re ok with “hold door open for women” & “ladies’ first” what do you do with push door? Awkwardly push & hold open, standing outside?
I have the TRON soundtrack stuck in my head. No, not Daft Punk. Not the original movie. The video game, complete with shot rebound noises.
Prediction: Web 3.0 (is that what we’re on?) will be all about removing TWO vowels from your domain. Related: need to bid on
Experiencing the rage of clicking a dialog box option to do an action for “All” things only to get a second dialog about some more things.
1st thought: it’s surprisingly hazy today. 2nd thought: You can really hear the music from that festival. 3rd thought: Oh. That festival.
Is it odd to shave on my bench in my yard? Isn’t this why you get a cordless shaver? Ok, how about tweeting while shaving in the yard?
I won an inflatable dinosaur playing Sling-A-Monkey on! But it’s a Banji, not even a COOL dinosaur.