
Sitting next to a standing bodyguard & 5 fairly outlandishly dressed people I’m probably supposed to recognize. t.co/jRvRpK7a

Movie plot: man gets amnesia, fights to get regain his identity through clicking Forgot Password links everywhere.

At the Giants pre-game celebration of their perfect game & it feels like I snuck into a stranger’s wedding.

First time I’ve heard “vlogging” spoken, and, no, it doesn’t sound any better than it reads. #vcs12

Recurring theme at this video summit: despite YouTube being a Google product, Google+ is nearly a waste of time to support. #vcs12

I wonder when I’ll hear the first wedding toast starting out “The top Google result for love is…”

I wonder if they originally called the Video Commerce Summit a Video Conference before wondering why no one traveled to the venue. #vcs12

It’s early and I’m halfway through my business cards. Networking! #vcs12

What’s weird is a bar where everyone knows your name when you’ve never been there. Maybe the host texts all the staff when you check in.

Tech Zen: Avoid heartbreak over accidental data loss by avoiding acquiring any data you care about.

The flight attendant asked the passenger next to me to cover the solar panel on her calculator during take-off.

That you can count on 2% changing their presidential vote just because the VP candidate is from their home state tells me we are broken.

Turing test variant: Bot listens to a full court trial and issues a verdict, attempting to match the majority of the actual jury opinion.

Inbox 0! And another 0! And another! I’m doing great! t.co/DOD5ruc0

So far I am successfully keeping the bar low enough that later in my life I will be able to say I’m in the best shape of my life.

You know that early 1900s video of everyone failing to build flying machines? I would watch a show where they successfully made those fly.

New Olympic event idea: marathon ending in a pole vault / pool dive.

The scale of Mars Curiosity to the rovers is partly why this is such a big deal: t.co/cBEk2UFW

Along the lines of having the punishment fit the crime, instead of a fine for speeding there should just be a long time delay.

I’ll go ahead & feel proud for beating comedian @kumailn to this joke: t.co/V6WIqgAu (mine, the day before: t.co/RfKXneuF )

You know that thing where you make eye contact with a car before you cross a street in front of them? Not if you’re from Seattle, you don’t.

So u for v is the new “drop the last vowel” I guess. Svbtle Svpply Svbscription.

Everyday my RSS feed hosts a Twitter Olympics between @torrez & @KenJennings faves & they don’t even know it.

People always talk about wanting business graphs to go up & to the right, but it seems to me that just going up would be better.

Announcers haven’t adopted to widescreen, leading to hilariously awkward shots of them needlessly close to each other. t.co/yj01CBQj