I’m going to catch whatever fugitive must be running around my neighborhood, if only to stop these incessant helicopters & get some rest.
Tortilla makers: photos of guacamole on the bag make me think the tortillas are moldy & throw them away. Or is that your dastardly plan?
RomCom Tom Hanks Trivia: Sleepless in Seattle ends with CGI Empire State Building & You’ve Got Mail starts with it. #mySaturdayNight
Sometimes when I can’t sleep, I go get in the car and drive around the block a few times until I’m out.
Watched a 2-hour documentary in Monopoly & not a single mention of the auction rule. Bizarre “speed die” variant used in tournaments.
Walk up to intersection with guy there. Quick judge of character: Is he the type to remember to hit crosswalk button? Hit the button.
Put earbuds in, start podcast, wonder why it’s quiet, turn it way up, see earbuds weren’t fully plugged in, look around bus embarrassed.
Great to wander through the office & hear echoes of the Wootathon streaming Matthew’s crazy songs everywhere. t.co/u3AeQ5oG
Discovered the 1st time I tweeted not just what I was up to: t.co/Qe4e5Wxu
Searched “how to open wine” & got this. #notreally #klout t.co/1cnJjvYa
Is it unethical to get samples of new ice cream flavors when I’m certain I’ll get balsamic strawberry? Is it nicer to pretend I’m uncertain?
She called him “Dyfed”, which I just assumed was a quirk of her British pronunciation of David, until I saw his name written. Dyfed. Huh.
National @nprnews advised we should probably not go outside due to the nationwide heat wave, as I was driving to get my winter coat & hat.
3h to fireworks t.co/th2sKiSB
I’m calling this the start of Summer. t.co/0YtoxVoj