
Next door to social services. t.co/6OrhkBf5

My favorite use of @DarkskyApp is finding a 10m window of dryness to empty the trash. Ok, 2nd favorite, after just showing off to friends.

Twitter mystery of the night: @autocorrects has 2.2M followers and 96/100 on @klout. What is going on over there?

“I was 21 years when I wrote this song. I’m 22 now but I won’t be for long.” Paul Simon, world’s slowest songwriter, apparently.

Finding a needle in a flowerstack. t.co/xxrkgbw3

Looking forward to seeing Roadhouse on Wednesday, so my fridge won’t still have these tickets with a shirtless Patrick Swayze on them.

I would pay $10K (far more than I will actually spend) to the record labels for a lifetime license to all music on all platforms.

Million Dollar mockumentary idea: The life of that guy who adds red circles & big arrows to photos pointing out what’s interesting or funny.

I miss doing things that got everyone to reply that I obviously had too much time on my hands.

Shaving brushes & Chihuly paintings. t.co/jgIWVpsC

It’s relevant to consider how to get the Cloud working better, but it’s also relevant to remember “normal” hosts crash, often for longer.

I keep seeing a list of the sites that are down, say to myself, Heroku? And try to visit it. But…uh…it’s down.

I feel a bit of a win using my restaurant coupon 364 days after buying it, but I can’t help but feel the restaurant lost.

I hate that it makes me think of identity theft when someone asks where I was born.

Response. t.co/wkC4cZZq

If you could instantly teleport places but your life would be shortened by the travel time you saved (if you had flown) would you?

I wonder if I’m the only person who didn’t answer that interview about businesses on Twitter entirely in tweet-length replies.

This Seattle airport art always freaks me out. t.co/phHWume4

It’d be cool if we found aliens & they’d thought to record the 1950s TV we beamed out that we thought wasn’t worth saving.

Maybe before you spend 20 minutes doing the YMCA arm gestures behind home plate on national TV, ask a friend if your C is backwards.

I need some pro-tips on forgetting that most people have eyelash mites.

How I know I’m too tired: an hour after getting up, it occurs to me to double-check that I’m actually awake & not just hitting snooze.

You say “what?” then “sorry, I missed that” & then puzzle through the clues to guess if you should: nod, chuckle, mmm, or shake your head.

The most impressive thing about Brave was their care in only showing scenes from the first 15 minutes in the trailers.

Who’s got two thumbs and feels bad for all the guys with one thumb who can’t use this joke method?