I can’t imagine how thoroughly the tech bloggers at WWDC are scouring the bars after close. It’d be great to troll them with decoys.
I’d hate to see what speeds I’d get at fewer than five bars of 4G: t.co/0VclvVdf
Apple TV update…just before WWDC begins. They wouldn’t be giving us a sneak peak, would they? #downloadFaster
Nothing like a do-it-yourself car wash to get you noticing all the dings & dents you were fine not knowing about. t.co/47zHhLVJ
It’s a good thing the studios are expiring the Netflix licensing of The Gambler V: Playing For Keeps, because now everyone will buy a copy.
The @Foursquare Explore algorithm needs a little tweaking on the definition of “nice.” @dens t.co/QDxGRF7n
What year will a woman play baseball in each of the Minor League levels? @MatthewHLeach @dgoold @fungoes @BJRains Ever in the majors?
Front row seats for the fireworks (aka last row in the ballpark). t.co/SN6AlVNl
Trivial meta-trivia trivia: I’ve won 2 different trivia games partly by knowing how much @KenJennings won in his 74-game Jeopardy run.
It was a good day for a wedding. t.co/Q6WXQ5nO
I think the perfect amount of fame is where everyone remembers you but most thought you were already dead. Nice low expectations.
Million dollar idea: Country Club / Cemetery: golfer for life…and beyond. And tombstones are in play.
I want an app to auto-count listens of the latest earbug. At 3 in the last 24h for Gotye’s & I assume I’ll hear it at today’s wedding.
One of the best things to come out of smartphones is businessmen in suits sitting on the ground in dirty corners of airports.
I have a new favorite dumbest-security-question-ever. 1st one here: t.co/wgtfKGM2 Are there even 10 different likely answers?