
If I were @klout, I’d spend the entire marketing budget getting Randall Munroe to endorse Klout. It’d be worth going into debt for.

Beecher’s Flagship cheddar cheese ice cream.

There will be some Milli Vanilli-style scandal, and he’ll say, “What did you think? My name is Got Ye.”

We’ve worked the devs hard enough they’re resorting to food poisoning to get time off. t.co/gBOZKD4j

New term I didn’t expect to learn from web design feedback: mombies.

It’s hilarious how many of our Facebook posters think the project we’re giving sneak peeks of is completely work being done this weekend.

When it comes to @woot monkeys, I’m a Monte! Remember to wear your seat belt! t.co/lRqgu1Yc

iOS email app idea: if autocorrect is used, auto-add disclaimer: Pardon any nonsense, autocorrect may have made a bad ‘correction’ attempt.

Million dollar idea: a candle that auto-extinguishes after 10 minutes (each time you light it).

It sounds sarcastic, but I do really love that our community gets near to anger at the thought we might change something about our site.

I’ve been diagnosed by @woot as an anal-retentive social outcast! t.co/lRqgu1Yc

I read the @NYTimes far less now that I can’t put their app in my News apps folder. I bet I’m not the only one.

I wonder if, in the early days, the mafia said “we’re really good at murdering people, but where’s the revenue stream?”

We mostly watch Million Dollar Home to point out they use the same hand soap we do.

I feel like I personally have saved a pound of paper towels since watching this great presentation: t.co/DYva5dsN

Made my day to walk by the latchkey daycare & see the kids who normally huddle around an iPod Touch instead fiddling with a Rubik’s Cube.

My name is @_ and I have a photo app addiction. t.co/JOhtxgHd

Considering starting a Christmas-covers Rockabilly band just so I can call it Elves Presley.

I bet not many have been to Colombia & Libya. Every day I travel to both when t.co links forward to bit.ly.

Do you tip on carry out if there is a “tip” line on the credit card receipt?

Why I won’t sleep tonight: t.co/y2kCwEa3 “The fish is able to use the parasite just like a normal tongue.” t.co/we7qwlqe

New Holiday idea - somebodythatiTUESDAYknow, where we all load up YouTube playlists of every Gotye cover and go insane.

Intertwined. t.co/pFXKl8I3

Mistake to catch up on 2 public break-ups at once. Now I’m confused. @gruber fired from Community for recording a podcast with Chevy’s wife?

The best time to get a flat tire is when you want to justify a lifelong habit of leaving for the airport with plenty of time.