
Just in case there’s any confusion, unlike @XKCD, I do not want you to punch me in the face. Ever. For any reason. With or without warning.

Is it a Texas thing for waiters to say “welcome back” on your 1st visitor do I have a guacamole-loving doppelgänger around here?

Monthly Reports: After a 6.9% increase in March, we unfortunately dropped 3.2% in April for Days Per Month. We expect May to recover nicely.

Confirmed: HomeSnap does not work with houseboats from the water. t.co/MwbixYBF

Just logged my 1st geocache. Trying to decide if I want another obsession. t.co/CJCfXyUs

Thought Leader. t.co/lBDe6dZq

I’m going to hang this above my bed. t.co/0jK7rPUz

Kayaking alone in a shipping channel for 3 hours, no problem. Haircut - cut ear & a surprising amount of blood for a surprisingly long time.

This is a day off. t.co/GCWvu5jH

In cafe, song matches 1 in my playlist. Cool! Then 2nd - Wow. 3rd - Weird. 4th - Huh. 5th - Check phone to see if I’ve been hacked, leave.

Truffled mushroom grilled cheese. From a food truck. The end, or the beginning of times?

Piling up road trip possibilities - found out about a fake Germany to go with the fake England I had on the list.

I like the invention pitches on Shark Tank. We see that a ton of people agreed with the Insane Clown Posse that magnets are a miracle.

The weirdest aspect of Nigerian scam emails is how often they don’t realize putting “Nigerian” in there kills any chance of it working.

I’m calling this Summer. t.co/gl7FjmS8

The huge derby hats are transitioning into oversized sombreros as the night goes on.

Is the balk the least visible penalty in sports?

Found art, in the rain. t.co/iQDTYmx4

Mileage. Footage. Nice terms like these are the only way the imperial system is superior to the metric one. Kilometerage? Meterage?

Little did we realize, Albert is such a huge Cardinals fan that he decided his best move was to remove $240M from an opponents’ payroll.

What part do you not understand? t.co/iqK2yU7L

New self-realization: I think all kids are 8.

So far Gnomeo & Juliet has taken a few liberties with the original, but I have to assume they left the ending alone.

I’m trying to gauge the exact year Little Bear is set, but I feel there are a few anachronisms.

Back in the ‘20s, did some sarcastically say “You’ve got a voice for the movies.”?