
Is there a version of a Scrabble-type game in the iOS App Store with “true” challenging rules (that allows bluffing with fake words)?

My favorite email interaction is when I get that awesome “Remove from calendar” button.

Trying out this new diet: Step 1 - bite your lip very very hard. Step 2 - you’ll never want to eat again. Success!

Disconcerting getting in the car to a story on NPR between a kid named Dave and a shopkeeper named Mr. Rutledge.

I can judge how my day went by how much butter I put in the mac & cheese.

I’m either building a baby swing or a War Of The Worlds tripod. Possibly both, in some dastardly alien scheme. t.co/CevSLh3g

Tips for anyone happening to need to pick a lock, from the MIT guide. t.co/qkFZ2Zt0

I wonder how many people I’ve ever emailed are alleged murderers. I know of a couple, which makes me think it may really be double-digits.

The best part of getting new 514s is checking out how nicely your older pair is fading. t.co/di56HkgQ

So much guilt each morning crossing the street against the tiny crossing guards directions.

Love getting the #xoxofest goodies and thinking about all the great talks and good people involved. Plus, awesome coffee!

Despite never subscribing to a podcast, she can now identify most of the @5by5 and @MuleRadio stars by the sound of their voice.

Socks with RFID thread that sounds an alarm when they’re too far away from their mate. #youWill.

I get why Jeopardy has lots of criteria besides smarts, but I’d love one tournament a year with insanely hard trivia and all geniuses.

I like the #quarterly idea, but I don’t eat sausage & threw away the “keep refrigerated” cheese. So, just a pricey bottle of bitters. #jak02

Got a Griddler & can’t figure out why I’ll ever eat anything but pancakes again.

Something like a shooting range, but for throwing breakable objects.

This is the coolest <$10 non-electronic gadget: t.co/LqMba5cH

I live my life by this suggestion. t.co/1LLiFnIE

Ray tracing is the next evolutionary step of Impressionism.

I’ve set the Christmas tree lights timer to so perfectly match when we are awake & home that I’ve no way to know it works at all.

What’s the story with the Braille-like symbol on the @letterpressapp icon? t.co/mKKFcCKQ

Splurged for the mind-reading baby monitor. t.co/OqqAY9cH

Hello, nightmare. t.co/Fj0FfzdU

Make a sanity check before you hang your coat up. t.co/L1Qoei6O