I’m considering taking some tech classes just to understand how IKEA went so very wrong: “The max. length for Password is 10 characters.”
Imagine the outrage if matches were invented today: strike on inflammable box full of other incendiary matches until it bursts into flames.
The best *wiki: t.co/eyI2vzZM
Sorry, Mr. Hagman, for remarking apparently 30 minutes before you died that it was surprising you were still around. Look out, Barbara Eden.
I call our Christmas tree theme “Infested by woodland creatures!” t.co/5s1ENvux
I want a chat option in @letterpressapp just so I can say “yes, I know now that was a boneheaded move.”
We launched our first pop-up site over at t.co/1tqUV8h1 - Enduring Holidays, for when you’ve had just enough family time.
Trench warfare in @letterpressapp with @anildash, ended only as I was able to pull my U-less Qs from my Scrabble days. t.co/ghziP9ey
Aside from Nintendo-licensed games, it’s hard to see anything I get from Nintendo Wii U that isn’t possible (& better) with iPad & AirPlay.
I can’t believe it’s been twenty years already since I started bemoaning how bad Muppet movies had gotten.
This morning I took out the trash, helped with laundry & got lunch. Fairly productive. My brother biked 111.5 miles. Always showing me up.
My wife & I share an iMac. We each have an iPhone. iTunes Match won’t allow us to share our music to our respective phones. What’s the plan?
The worst part of 2nd hand smoke is clearly knowing you’re breathing that one guy’s breath. And cancer, too.
My wife asked if it was raining out, but I had to tell her there was no possible way to know: t.co/jO4p4XqO
Things I’ve bought online that we’re absurdly the wrong size: lightbulbs, Xmas tree stand, and now hot sauce.
The Scrabble part of my mind assumes PETRAEUS is a coded anagram, but the best I’ve got is SUPER EAT.
Given how often he plays, I worry @letterpressapp was developed by the enemy as a means of reducing the productivity of @anildash.
Siri, I know I’m in Washington, & kudos for keeping up with state laws, but that is not what everyone is asking about: t.co/mygYGJie
If Puerto Rico becomes a state, I think we should let one of these other states secede, just so we don’t have to redesign the flag.
I’m disappointed to see that this is apparently “an incomplete list”: t.co/run45XeW
Hi @AT_RP_Lyric @Finntehhuman You didn’t mean to talk to me but now I must know: Is “etched” iPhone autocorrect or some slang I don’t know?
I feel like I understand Twitter & then I come across someone who only follows me & tweets to me twice a year: t.co/emoRtiyb