Moving offices again. Time to re-sticker this closed box I’ve had moved from the last 4 offices I’ve worked in.
I’m a huge baseball fan but all this talk of overcoming hardship & adversity while getting paid millions to play a game is tough to take.
So if the Tigers swept the Yankees & the Giants swept the Tigers, scientifically that means the Yanks are the worst team of all time, right?
Likely not coincidental that I’m getting into Letterpress the same day a lot of people are deciding it’s taking too much of their time.
Pro-tip: after emptying your dishwasher, immediately put soap in and close the soap door. Now you’ll know for sure if you’ve run it yet.
I picked a good day I try out @timehop and see what was happening a year ago today.
The iPhone’s 3D map mode was made for Gehry buildings.
Unlike @marcoarment, tried out the Surface without salespeople interference. Installed both @woot apps on it, of course.
They should only offer the new iMacs in store, so you get at least one time benefiting from it being light weight.
In Mac Outlook, you can’t type the contraction “I’ve” without it freezing. If @t still worked at Microsoft, he wouldn’t have allowed this.
Kind of addicted to #Letterpress, though I haven’t managed to complete a game yet.
I’ll be explaining to my Dr. that my caffeine intake skyrocketed because I was testing out Passbook & Starbucks had the best implementation.
I’d like to see a list of who follows me, ranked by the total number they follow / the number who follow them.
Evil new-to-me spam technique. Intimate conversation between 2 (w/ multiple emails) that I seem to have “accidentally” been cc’d on.
It would seem totalitarian, but how many lives would it save to require both hands on the wheel while driving?
I can’t remember if I ordered a spy plane or a Bono.
I’m at Apple Store (Seattle, WA) w/ 2 others
I just opened my Pheed channel, check it out