Went out to get a haircut, but the place closed early today. Came home & @__ complimented my new haircut, so mission accomplished!
2013 To-Do List: ☑ Wash Car (@ Waterway) t.co/Z0P8BfsXp…
Free marketing idea for @amazonvideo: Keep track of what’s expiring on Netflix on 1/1 & tell us what’s still on Prime Instant Video.
I rarely have autocorrect issues, but Apple’s behind-the-scenes resizing of letter targets causes many of my “put”s to become “out”s.
Clever children’s puzzle that sounds off when complete by detecting no light: kid loses a piece & you forever alarm us at dusk. Curse you!
Nice to see @nytimes recognize the true Disrupters, like…Miley Cyrus? (@glennf when’s she going to be on your show?) t.co/yuhlLXihS…
“Everything is washable” has become the most repeated sentence of the year in the Underscore household.
It’s so helpful that the Wikipedia article on Polly Wolly Doodle informs me that it was used in the 3rd episode of the 4th season of Monk.
The Automatic car link gadget’s reviews on Amazon are massively the Vine program where people got it free. Doesn’t everyone disregard those?
We should pick a day, like January 2nd, where we repost tweets that we thought were great but got no faves or RTs. #tryagain
I imagine if Rudolph’s nose actually glowed his fellow reindeer might not laugh & call him names but rather scream & run away or attack him.
100% approval rating for President @___. t.co/tKqJZnfRk…
Checked in on @___ & chuckled at his wonky sleeping position. While still asleep, he giggled back & gave me a big smile. #merrychristmas
I can think of little I want less than packages of spiders. t.co/d7IJAOYwH…
So “weird” Twitter is surreal humor & inside jokes, but “normal” Twitter constantly quotes all of Bohemian Rhapsody: t.co/NvZuCcs7i…
Justine Sacco - secretly the world’s best PR Crisis-Management representative (highly recommended by her most recent client, Shia LaBeouf).
A Family-Feud-type show where you ask factual questions of 1000 people, remove all the correct answers & have to guess the top results.
So I’m a vegetarian and not the best judge of such things, but is this actually supposed to look good? t.co/hE15LTOFu…
While the slideshow helping to understand the size of the new Mac Pro is good, total missed opportunity to put a banana in for scale.