A way to gauge design instinct: Do you find it impressive or disappointing that the current iPhone looks a lot like the first iPhone?
Simple, obvious Twitter business model: allow people to create otherwise-private subscription feeds & take a cut.
Flight attendants are picking up the media players in 10 minutes “so if you’re in the middle of a movie you might want to fast forward.”
I hope during his long stay at the Moscow Airport, Edward Snowden at least thought to check-in daily & become mayor.
How many times have people said “wait, that Russell Brand?” after reading some sincere, well-written essay?
I once owned t.co/I1g1DKTv9… and thus was the only person in the world disappointed it didn’t come up again in episodes 2 and 3.
You know who you should follow because he’s just great? @kotrotsos who gave me @___ because he liked the idea of my son using it.
Some Twitter math: @_ + @__ = @_. That is, @_ (me) + @ (my wife) = @___ (now my son’s new Twitter account!)
#ff @crashtxt t.co/XVVgsMy6b… because they actively try to ruin the look of your feed.
Further evidence I actually do have a job and am not a total bum: t.co/KoppZ7iHV…
Decided Wikipedia is worth at least as much to me as Netflix, so I’ll match payments/donations. Hopefully Netflix doesn’t raise its price.
I’m starting to wonder if @joeljohnson & I are secretly some sort of Fight Club dual-persona, as I’m never able to talk to him. #firstrule
Yikes, you sure you don’t want my ATM PIN or SSN @hootsuite? t.co/T9R2pDZQn…
My iPhone 5C prediction wasn’t too far off: t.co/RBd2N5Pum…
So either the fingerprint detector is too lax & not secure or too stringent & breaks with dirty fingers or at very best it’s totally boring.
No exclamation point in our mediocre logo, so I had to tilt the “e” a full 45 degrees for whimsy. #tiltALLtheLogos
Oh, also you can grab your username over at t.co/IDtUEanR0… & we’ll let you know when the community and first experiments launch.
So, t.co/IDtUEanR0… is what I’ve been working on & what I’m up to, post-Woot. Testing out the worst timing of a site launch ever!
Google worked 6 years on their logo update t.co/yrQ8S5hNx… says @stop, or 1,095 times as long as Yahoo spent on their new logo.