
Just ¯_(ツ)/¯ figured ¯_(ツ)/¯ out ¯_(ツ)/¯ how ¯_(ツ)/¯ to ¯_(ツ)/¯ do ¯_(ツ)/¯ keyboard ¯_(ツ)_/¯ shortcuts. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Ah ha, now that Best Of tweet got RTed enough to make it into my Best Of 2014 list. Take that, @thinkup and your early Best Of lists!

Everybody do something amazing tomorrow, so all of those Best Of lists are wrong.

I bet the president of the Professional Limbo Association is the only one pleased the iPhone always autocorrects to “ducking”.

Category: presents I like to pretend are for my kid but are for me. t.co/nHPo8u6tm…

Whew, that was tougher than expected: @_’s most-used words on Twitter, 2014 t.co/urFCJPd5T… via @thinkup

See people: one day, right now I make up a new tweet: Words I Know I Did Use More In ‘14. Seems it’s going to work out I think. A good time.

Christmas is the saddest day of the year for #brand Twitter: t.co/s1o6Rdnl2…

Fun selling virtually nothing for literally nothing at t.co/LaTkymHiS… today. Merry Christmas.

An ad with the text “wrap your presents easily and quickly with this one weird trick” would get a lot of clicks tonight.

The Russians have shown us dash cams can be in all cars, always on, always filming. Why is this so hard to accomplish in police cars?

Things people have “heard horror stories about” would make for awful horror stories: t.co/M8jiqFCvB…

Can’t think why you’d care but here’s my home screen: t.co/Fu2mBzWPz… t.co/R3QWnoqJi…

Scanning @thinkup pages, in 2014 @GlennF tweeted 37,989 times, or 4 times as much as I have in 7 years. Then I see it’s just SINCE SEPTEMBER

So now I don’t know if I don’t understand Tumblr, or if Apple doesn’t understand Tumblr, or both, because…what? t.co/VCKIQzZtD…

I feel like @BarackObama should still add to his official @sony statement: “But, to be clear, I think it’s almost certainly an awful movie.”

My most used word in tweets this year was: one. Appropriate since I’ve spent the last 10 years helping run one-thing-a-day sites.

Sad to watch @twitter go from one of the most accessible services to one of the least with the massive rise of attached images of text.

Do you think we could convince North Korea that all those Real Housewives shows are also about Kim Jong-un assassinations?

Tonight, @___ coined the saying “Good idea, Quesadilla!”

Journalists are writing headlines with @stevenf’s Cloud-To-Butt Extension in mind. I mean…they have to be. Right? t.co/bcAai3Lks…

Nice of Amazon to start charging $300/year for @AmazonFresh , so I no longer feel jealous of those living where it’s available.

At Disney was 1st time I understood Yo. I texted @__ “I’m done with that ride” during Rider Switch a dozen times. Could’ve just said “Yo”.

I don’t like to hype Meh stuff, but I’d feel bad if you missed out on watching this awesome song/video: t.co/abfLtMx8O…

Ok, we’re ready now. t.co/isPPVqM9Y…