
So are we starting up a second internet where we can talk about The Force Awakens?

One day I’ll tell my grandkids incredible tales of using programs that didn’t ask me to rate how likely I was to recommend it to a friend.

Sometimes Apple takes its secrecy a little too far. t.co/9iFoNGtby…

Crap, I’m still writing “Kiev” on all my checks. t.co/BnTszk1O9…

I think everyone should try my new Race Past 60 Gates at the Denver Low-Oxygen Airport Fitness Plan.

Of all the Christmas seasons to not have @darth around…

I remember when “heh” was enough to mean it was funny. t.co/m6WkzY3kR…

The best foods are when the food part of the name has to be in quotes. t.co/WSHqdBcbs…

All this Star Wars art is great: t.co/WqlkI33G8… but @hendrixart telling story of ANH in icons is amazing: t.co/jbiTGLwX4…

You’re welcome, @twitter: t.co/pEyXbxnxA…

The Whoa Singularity: t.co/tUpT9jXvR…

I want a gesture to tell my phone, “I’m purposefully writing a non-word. Don’t remember this for autocorrect.”

I discovered, a little late, this whole album of Woody Guthrie Hanukkah tunes: t.co/76eVyyTxA… & the hit t.co/zKba03NFH…

I’m enjoying reading @___ the Star Wars tales in Golden Book form, but I’m carefully avoiding the Episode V reveal. t.co/9TLOrjLBX…

If you get a speeding ticket when your self-driving car doesn’t get the signal for construction zone speed, I assume you’re still at fault?

I want Apple to be more forceful than this: (https://t.co/VF57UAI7h0) in saying it’s a waste of time to regularly “close” all your apps.

I suspect I’m spending time regretting things that were ultimately unimportant in my life. Like I’m going to eventually regret my regrets.

Sometimes I just stop & think how amazing and miraculous it is that I helped create that little toddler who just punched me in the nose.

I’m surprised there aren’t tenure parties, where newly secure professors drink and curse & murder people because they can.

82 years ago today we repealed amendment 18, seeing it as acceptable to make changes to an amendment; that they weren’t holy & untouchable.

Years ago I followed a few comedians & they’ve become the most serious & profound in my feed. I don’t know what that means for the world.

Are there studies showing how much washing hands reduces times getting sick? I don’t doubt it, I just want numbers to lord over non-washers.

Do you think Jeremy Clarkson’s Amazon contract explicitly or just implicitly forbids punching any of the crew?

It’s so rare to see any Missouri political story I’m not angered by, but this one is perfect: t.co/FqyLT845G…

One of the best things about discovering alien civilizations is going to be the huge influx of all new cute animal videos.