Oh, right, of course they needed to stop calling it OS X when iOS 10 comes out. That would have been awful.
For a second I thought they were announcing this feature request I had in 2013, but for some reason it’s Watch only. t.co/TXdFJ9qGn…
These are “choospy” doors. t.co/5h3kDtd9b… t.co/tJvagj6ms…
Getting some paper towels should not be this complex. t.co/3FUHC6z4R…
TIL: replacing my garage door opener lights with LED bulbs was a bad idea - t.co/9DfjzWDGj…
Hey, one of you try out coupon codes at Meh for me: manifold-awful-salmon for $5 off today’s salad box thingamajigs. Let me know how it goes
Am I doing it wrong or do you all also have to regularly slide-clear out all your iOS Safari tabs so new ones open?
I wonder if Google Maps has to implement guards against employees taking bribes to route people by specific businesses.
Feeling old seeing other people who are feeling old because Teen Wolf has been on for five years & they seem to not know there were movies.
Boat McBoatface feels like 21st century-style humor, but in the 1940s the mascot for Scotch Tape was Scotty McTape. t.co/Uv1PMdZUl…
Time to start a Metropolis, IL Superman-Supports-the-Train Railroad Bridge Kickstarter! t.co/AyeiIgUJ5…
If I had a miniature railroad I’d take out a segment of track from the bridge and replace it with track inlaid on a Superman action figure.
I’m glad literally just searching Google for “basketball” worked. t.co/uG8yMJjjN…
Reading about The House Of The Rising Sun. The tune is from a 1600s song called Matty Groves. Then, this happened: t.co/AT7gF1NKu…
Will self-driving cars know about that pothole you have to go a little into the other lane to get around as long as there’s not a car there?
The Answer -
Eastern: 150.2M (47.1%) Central: 92.3M (29.0%) Mountain: 21.3M (6.7%) Pacific: 53.0M (16.6%)
So Eastern + Central = 76.1%