Asked @___ if he’d like to visit the kids activity center at Disney World & meet Captain Hook & he said “No way, Captain Hook is a bad guy!”
So far for @___, an A+ for understanding Battleship rules, and a C- guessing strategy.…
This feels like an accurate portrayal of media coverage of the 2016 campaign.…
Full house, nines over sixes! (Anyone else play poker with their 2-factor auth codes?)…
At a @cardinals game, otherwise known as Lure City.…
Something has gone terribly wrong.…
Can’t normalize Trump, saying Pence is as bad. Trump’s another level of disaster. Not just about wrong beliefs: he has no idea how to govern
We’re selling cheap phone power banks at… today for those afflicted with Pokémonitis.…
I made a public @xoxo Twitter list based on the… speakers announced so far:…
I’m already benefiting from this year’s @xoxo: The speaker list is an excellent recommendation engine for cool people to follow on Twitter.
I can’t believe Ingress didn’t catch on more, it seems so simple and easy to understand:…
Out catching Pokémon with @___ & ran into another dad & son doing same. He was embarrassed to admit it. Odd since…it was what we were doing.
At this very moment, at every company across all corporate America, a meeting is starting with the words “It’s like Pokémon Go, but…”
No exaggeration, a quarter of the people on the exercise path at Forest Park were Pokémoning, including some precarious bike riders.
So mad that I went outside and walked around for no good reason at all.…
Whoa. People from the @wearemeh community came by our HQ last night & decorated for our birthday. That goat piñata!…
Seems like the Bank Of America ink jet printer ran out of red ink.…
Recently, @___ started getting upset when I don’t have both hands on the wheel. It’s probably his most beneficial irrational tantrum.
。☆ 。☆。☆
Oops, I almost
Forgot, it’s the day
To use this meme.
☆。★。 ☆ ★
“He’s named Remington. After the gun.” turns out to be the fastest way I’m certain my kid will not be visiting your house.
65 hours before the parade, the chair wars have begun.…