I’ve never had a tweet, Instagram photo or Facebook post get likes from >10% of my followers. Sorry to constantly disappoint you other 90%.
This counts as a productive day t.co/QzYjiHtRe…
I love getting @glennf to do research on whatever interesting thing he can find. This time, spaceships & encoders! t.co/QLDt9lQAN…
At the St. Louis Art Museum, today (and the San Francisco Museum of Art in the 60’s). t.co/OznabIhSp…
I wonder what percentage of the population (that has heard of both) think that Wikileaks & Wikipedia are related.
On the other hand, we may be safe for a while. t.co/Y8S1amYzD…
I was enjoying watching the Cleverbots talk on Twitch until this question, which unfortunately has far too many good answers: t.co/DLBfW612H…
Maybe 2017 will be the year I finally figure out how owning t.co/usBZVzjZZ… will make me the big bucks.
I appreciate @verge being very upfront to let me know that I should not at all care about CES. t.co/NE7p75JOg…
They say the Internet was created to facilitate the exchange of information, but I think we all know the real reason. So brands could flirt. t.co/R5jFU0pvt…
I want an Oculus game where I can re-enact the sadness of Facebook employees begging mall customers to “be transported by virtual reality.” t.co/nUwIXVgUY…
Lately @___ assumes singular words that end with an s sound are plural and singularizes them. My favorites: noncent. And one bron medal.
This wasn’t a race. Just strangers who set up a “finish line” on a trail so joggers could win on New Year’s Day: