
When will closed captioning people get the memo? ALL CAPS MEANS SHOUTING. I hate that they only use lowercase to mean off-camera speech.

The Cupid Shuffle makes @__ happy: twitpic.com/ideis

The best part of Al Hrabosky’s are the restroom signs: twitpic.com/iddha Any chance Al is ever here or Mike at Shannon’s? Doubtful.

Seems like we should see Cardinal’s announcer Al Hrabosky’s bar/warehouse, at least once, but it’s not promising: twitpic.com/idaqv

It’s common sense WIN stat is useless. (Franklin? Seriously?) Many mainstream journalists agree. What real steps can be done to kill it?

Loving the big L flag someone made and brought to the game. If I live in Chicago I’d bring that to every game.

Aren’t there rules for helicopters flying directly over filled stadiums?

Wow, guy with a painted on shirt wins the dance contest. Nice splits and does the worm. Of course, the musical number? “I’m too sexy…”

Lights on at the ballpark. I wonder if we’re in for a sprinkle. twitpic.com/ickti

When did numbering the players for score keeping (not uni numbers) happen? I wish 1st, 2nd, 3rd base would be 1, 2, 3. It’d just be simpler.

Going to the Cardinals game with Senator @clairecmc …Ok, not with, but we’ll both be there. Apparently.

In 1st Monopoly rules property is auctioned. No base price & player landing there has no advantage. May try that out. tr.im/z9nC

Just drank the tiniest sip of some vodka infused with the hottest pepper ever. As Ron said, “My left eye no longer works.”

When Ovechkin got a key to DC he said: And I’m the president this day in the city, so everybody have fun. And no speed limit. (via @pjlime)

Wanted: a site that catalogs all the proclaimed days and keys to the cities given out? It’d be enjoyable to see the juxtapositions.

I bet this @37signals article is the one that gets linked the most when they sell to a larger company. bit.ly/38RN2q

Some elegant subtle DirecTV DVR upgrades. Recognition of live (sports) events (with options to record extra) is nice.

I know this is fairly old, but pretty much every post is my new favorite blog post on the internet: niemann.blogs.nytimes.com

I look at the litter and I see it needs sifting. Still my [plastic] guitar gently weeps.

Enjoyed dinner out watching a kid eat 2 spoonfuls of wasabi mustard on a dare/$10 bribe from his legal guardians.

The MLB app has granted me a 6th sense. It’s like Spidey-sense but instead of danger I have a tactile awareness of a Cardinals’ first pitch.

Someone should inform them that riding a horse does not kill or in any other way necessitate the saving of a horse.

Superhero: The Postdictor. Superpower: receives sharp, clear visions of events that have just occurred.

Nice to see the Marlins bullpen signing balls & tossing them up to kids.

Ack, all my gmail @37signals basecamp filters broke because they changed it to say basecamp instead of grouphub.