
I find it a touch creepy that the Indy Hyatt rotating restaurant has the same name as Hitler’s vacation resort: Eagle’s Nest.

New term: SABR-wave - designation given when the crowd appropriately waits till Win % is at >90 before starting the wave.

Who do I talk to in order to get Hardees to use the stars on their sign to count off our Ks?

I know it’s not that impressive considering who was up, but I called that HR, on that specific pitch, and I don’t try to call many.

Dear MODOT: while the primary highway is closed, how about don’t close the primary 44 exit to the game? Or at least warn & give a detour.

I’m going to hazard a guess I’m the only one in this crowd of 42,000 attending GenCon tomorrow.

Working with the Feds on wine labels is similar to submitting to the Apple app store. No way to guess what the response will be & no appeal.

I’m glad it’s Carpenter tonight, I need a quick & short ballgame. I’m heading out to GenCon Indy from Busch Stadium. 1-0 complete game win!

My external hard drive was considerate enough to give me a couple loud knocks prior to its eventual demise.

To me, it seems there’s huge expense running a company in Silicon Valley: constant employee turnover as they get headhunted to new startups.

Even with tying run on 2nd we only had a 15% win chance. That helps the K hurt less. Of course, that’s why it would’ve been sweet to win.

I find it far easier to search for & record shows to my DVR using the iPhone app than on TV. Not sure what that says about UI design.

At Mike Shannon’s, wondering how much Mike Shannon would absolutely hate being out here on the porch. twitpic.com/dgz9v

Seve-nothing against the Cubs. It’s a good night for Cardinals baseball.

Ugh, I was at Ankiel’s wall dive and now this one. I don’t know how he had the thought to throw the ball in.

Tried to give a little applause to Kip, but I think I was alone in the stadium.

Sunset, breeze, cool temps, ominous clouds… twitpic.com/dgan2

Bee-yutiful night for a ballgame. Let’s go no-rain!

Sitting in 449 with @__ & family. I sense I am directly above @fungoes head.

It’s surprising, and pleasant, how apologetic some people are for accidentally @_ing me. Thanks @EditorialJoe, don’t worry about it.

Without fail, in the 1st shower after a haircut, I use far too much shampoo. It’s a 30 year flaw at this point.

Bummer, looks like Rolen won’t be playing tomorrow, based on medical recommendation today that he sit out till symptoms are completely gone.

Considering demoting the phone icon from my iPhone top-4 and just putting it on page 1. I wonder how common that is.

Trying out tweetburner. Amazingly, got _ username, even. Twurl.nl wastes 2 characters, but otherwise looks good. (Thanks @karenstl!)

Bummed tr.im URL shortener closed. A) excellent stats B) tracking of previous urls C) 1 character shorter than most D) I had _ username!