
Interesting that on Amazon’s Snow Leopard preorder page, 100% end up ultimately pre-ordering some version of Windows 7: tr.im/vaUY

It’s odd that older films felt the need to end a minute after the climax resolution. Or that newer films feel the need to last another 30.

Remember how we thought whistle-tips were just a fad, that they were going to go away? Well, at least I’m always up to cook breakfast now.

How do you know when you’ve licked enough frosting off the mixing spatula? You involuntarily moan “Oh, I don’t think I can eat any more.”

All right, giving up on the corkball tournament and on any thoughts I had of becoming a meteorologist.

Someone should do a scientific study on the best way to fold, bend, wrinkle, lick your 50/50 tickets to increase your odds. Go 597-599!

Not too much corkball being played at the corkball tourney: twitpic.com/cegl3

Some day I hope the person who decides when Cotton-eyed-Joe plays looks up the original highly racist lyrics on wikipedia.

Confused by Kiss-cam serenade: LOVE STINKS.

Ugh, maybe the most inappropriate wave timing yet.

Learned above the urinal: GEICO is an acronym for Government Employees Insurance COmpany.

Debating with @__ the merits of booing strategically correct intentional walks.

Bizarre full, every ad everywhere in Busch Stadium for coal.

At an average of 100 calories a mile & 3500 calories a pound, LFers burn 4 pounds more a year just from jogging to their positions.

By my quick calculations, over a season, LF, from a right-side dugout, travels over 150 MILES further than 1B does to get to his position.

Common comment in the second half of a brainstorming session: “Who can we find that will help us shoot down this idea we’ve had?”

So La Russa means The Russian in Italian. That presents an interesting genealogy.

It’s unclear why the cat is only obsessed with getting in kitchen cabinets on the east side but it saved me installing ½ the baby locks.

Campers, don’t forget: you can’t spell camouflage without guacomole.

“Passwords must be 6-9 characters in length & must contain at least 1 number & 1 letter.” It’s so stupid to limit a password to 9 letters.

Yikes, the AT&T guy whose email address Pogue posted in the NY Times is on vacation until Monday. That’s going to be a rough return.

Idiotic voicemail instructions must go away: tr.im/uO40 Can we replace with the “Just wait for the beep” rap? #takebackthebeep

My two spelling nemeses: exaggerating and embarrassing

Sorry guys, if I knew that I could’ve just asked for the Cardinal win I would’ve asked a half dozen innings ago.

I certainly did not expect this game to go later than yesterday’s rain delayed one. It’s bedtime guys, time to win it.