
Whoa. (@ Qwest Field w/ @neuracnu) 4sq.com/2jpJ1Q

I thought he was screwing with me, but the Target employee seemed to actually never heard the word “adhesive” as in -remover.

I’d read an origin story of Smokey Bear. That just seems like an odd name for a fire-preventing animal. There must be some story in there.

Free costume idea: zombie Predator. And if you need to one up it, add a zombie chest burster alien popping out.

Jonesing for a good game of Wolfman Yahtzee. Someone needs to make an iPhone app version.

Our new Dyson showed up tonight. Apparently, this means it is time to vacuum!

TripIt’s auto-import (where robots read your email and make itineraries without any action on your part) is totally creepy. And awesome.

Photos and a few short movies from our honeymoon in Portugal: www.flickr.com/photos/da…

We used the last of our Fancy Schnuck’s napkins last night. That’s a pretty weird thing to miss about St. Louis.

Oops, forgot to shave. (@ Washington Department of Licensing) 4sq.com/7Aps8y

Have to think of things and then see if they’re on NetFlix streaming.

Anyone know how much wind it would take to knock over a very tall building? #gettingdizzy

Can it really be described as a “chance” of showers when that chance is 100%? twitpic.com/30ojt2

Latest “I Am Old” thing: the football Cardinals quarterback grew up an Arizona Cardinals fan.

Annoyingly, streaming-only Netflix doesn’t have multiple-profiles for separate ratings, for no good reason. The helpdesk lady was mystified.

Rainy day got me to sign up for Netflix. And their new $7.99 streaming-only subscription. I had to open multiple browsers to get the offer.


At what point did horror get pushed into the sci-fi/fantasy genre? It’s messing up all my recommendation engines.

I’m shocked there hasn’t been a new Benji movie. He could even talk. And be cgi. And shapeshift. And solve crimes.

I’m bummed we don’t get to see Steinbrenner fire his manager.

Movie remake idea: Peter Pan, told from the point of view of the killer croc.

I still hate saying “IM” & “IMing” & “IM’d”. I can’t believe it caught on without getting a more pronounceable & visual name.

New Dad Panic! column by Jason Toon: kids.woot.com/Blog/View…

Sure, we’re selling a tiny laptop with a tiny screen, but DON’T CALL IT A NETBOOK.

Not sure why it took 20+ years for Apple to realize people like a “Maximize” button & never understood “expand”, but I’ll take it.