Silent movies streamed to my phone work great for watching in bed while the Mrs. still wants to sleep. #oldtechfitsnew
Connect4 variant - red goes once, then black goes twice, red goes twice, etc. Whole new game.
Celebrating 20th anniversary of vegetarianism tonight with a little steak tar-tar.
Ok, no, veggie pizza.
This was very nearly Woot’s St. Louis office, but it makes a better microbrewery. (@ Urban Chestnut Brewing Company)
Where were the Secret Service on this attack?
App idea: closed captions on your phone for what you’re watching on TV. (and audio, but likely the licensing would kill it)
Christmas is where Instagram shines. Awesome to see kids opening the presents & parents opening their design books & fancy coffee makers.
Airport’s in Xmas spirit. Santa in golfcart, guy dressed as tree & random guy on a unicycle.
If someone had 2 of your passwords, could they figure out the pattern for all the rest? Someone has 2 of your passwords.
Reading about iPhone app alarm clock that involves putting it under your sheets I thought: that’s really dumb & then, I should try that.
My first V60 pour today. Once I cleaned up some overflow, I got a tasty cup. (Non-west-coasters: this is a coffee brew method for snobs.)
Least likely, totally successful @netflix recommendation: if you liked “crackling fireplace” you will like the “rock-a-fire explosion” doc.
364 days ago I tweeted “I can’t believe @netflix doesn’t have any streaming fireplaces!” & today I’m streaming one from them.
I don’t know if step 1 is get giant filters or invent a shrink ray.
Let’s hope this isn’t important.
Rainier from above.
Sailboat Christmas
If it was about “commitment” & family & personal touch, why wasn’t the Angels’ offer $210/10 + that? Terrible offer on their side otherwise.
If it wasn’t the money that got Pujols to go to LA, then the Angels are the worst & dumbest negotiators in history for offering so much.