I have never seen the cats less interested in a building project than when I put together the cat tower.
Couldn’t get 4-finger swipe-between-spaces to work on Lion with Magic Trackpad, but this workaround fixed it for me: t.co/Sbt3Ro6
My phone autocorrects Whaddya to Whatcha and red underlines the former. Defining and standardizing colloquialisms is bizarre.
Considering whether I should ever play Farkle again considering the string of amazing luck in my first ever game.
If I were a camera manufacturer, I would consider it a major usability failure every time I saw thousands of flashes at a ballgame.
How many Rutledges does it take to change a lightbulb? More than 2, at least for this oddball ancient ceiling lamp. Luckily, 6 are in town.
I would be super into a Jeopardy week of personality-less ultra-geniuses and absurdly hard categories for them to show off on.
Pretty much the cutest thing ever. instagr.am/p/IXLvt/
Most helpful error message ever! instagr.am/p/IEfSO/
Bright & sunny + vanishing fog reminds me of 90s video games. instagr.am/p/H9PKV/
This is supposed to be the Emerald City, but I feel like we’re living in the gray world at the beginning of the movie.
It is a veeeeery specific type of fan that goes to a 21-and-over showing of a kids’ film. #andIGuessThatsNowMe
At Bite of Seattle, which, with 5 separate stages, qualifies as the biggest music festival I’ve ever been to.
Falling Skies is fairly entertaining so far, but I expected them to reveal that the Mechs are controlled by the children by now.